Foal Torture page 5 by Marcus

I think I finally understand why “hellgremlins” are said to ruin the fandom.

There is barely any satisfaction in seeing an “evil” fluffy being tortured and abused anymore. We’ve become too desensitized. Seeing something that deserves to be punished is not what makes fluffy abuse enjoyable for most of us.

We came for the unprovoked violence and psychological abuse to something that is weak, innocent and cute and only wants huggies and wub from humans.

And then gets a hit by the cruel reality of our world which doesn’t care how colorful and nice these creatures are.

Despite looking like toys, they are not spared by getting their guts pushed out, or having to witness the deaths of their loved ones.

Because in this universe, like everyone else, they have to obey the rules of the great equalizers:

  • Pain
  • Hunger
  • Sickness
  • Despair
  • Fear
  • and Death.
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You’re right, that’s why happy fluffies are so irritating, with their naive “mummah wuv babbeh, babbeh wuv mummah, gwow big and stwong” or “babbeh am fo wuv an huggies”… Their only problems in life are looking for spaghettis or getting hugs and toys… they even have safe places where everything is perfect for them!
That’s why you WANT TO BREAK THEM SO MUCH. That’s why they are perfect “stressballs”, allowing we, humans, to release all the frustration and tensions we have in the life. Everything is not “hug” “rainbows” and “love”, even for normal animals, and fluffies must understand this reality by the pain and traumatic experiences, losses.

I hate that suckling habit, like it’s gonna make me want to change my mind?

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Hahahahaha hilarious.