Generational Divide And Masculinity

I didn’t watch the “new” MLP much at all but I learned about it via osmosis because it was all over the internet for a time. It looks OK to me. There was a lot of effort put into the show and it’s WAY better than OG MLP. Looks like it has fanbase cancer, though.

As a kid I actually DID have OG My LIttle Pony dolls and played with them and brushed their manes plus watched the cartoon show but it wasn’t something I actively looked for. I liked Care Bears a lot more. But it’s TMNT that I really loved.

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Thoughts on the Star Wars Ewoks and Droids cartoons, or the sillier TMNT comics put out by Archie Comics?


Im a late millenial or early gen z and as far as I can note millenials and gen z have more things in common than with other generations and both generations would see fluffies with more similarities.

I dont think fluffies has to cope with masculinity mostly in fluffy-fluffy abuse coz theyre animlas in some sense of the word, they see the male-male bad enfs as a way to stablish dominance and some authors look it that way some dont regardless of their generation, I like to think its based on the authors live experiences and this make some do more visceral as an scape for the anger while others like hugbox to calm themselfs for the real world.

As far I can think for conclusion, this has to do more with personal psychology of the creator rather the social psychology of each generation mostly beacuse we cannot know the age and birthplace of the author.


I should specify I meant in-universe generations. Not real life creators and why they write what they do.

But that conversation seems more interesting.

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I actually really recommend watching G4 MLP, aka MLP:FiM when you get the chance. And everything has fanbase cancer one way or the other. Hell, I’m of the opinion that many of the problems of the fluffy fandom is the result of “fanbase cancer”. Its why I refuse to say that one fandom is better than another.

Also, I feel that understand the MLP fandom could help establish why fluffies got so popular as a pet in the early headcanons. I am saying this as fluffies are a product of the MLP fandom, and the Fall of Cleveland was written when fluffies was still “within MLP”.

How a fluffy is written in a story or how are they are treated, as @ShititsMe is pointing out, is entirely dependent on how the writer/artist views fluffies. I know that I myself find the hugbox of fluffies more enriching.

Its part of the reason why in-universe generations is purely hypothetical. In some ways it would not only reflect how an artist/writer views fluffies, but also how they view their past, current and future generations.


The documentation is not the question that 4 Chan era fluffies are to distinct from what we now understand to be fluffys is problem

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The Booru came when Fluffies were already largely finished conceptually.

They did most of the worldbuilding that took place after Fall Of Cleveland. But the concept of the Fluffy itself was pretty much what we have now. The Booru cemented ideas together into a tighter canon by a kind of peer pressure, but its fall caused the fandom to divide again into wildly different canons.

Its why so many stories of artists are “Got pissed off on the Booru and quit, just came back/gave permission for their work to be reposted today”.

The booru had a lot of problems towards its latter years. In some ways its was a ticking time bomb.

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You are the new ticking time bomb hell bent on rewriting fluffys to fit your narrow view


oculus is not powerful enough to eradicate the abuse


Wasn’t the main issue that people were fighting over it being a Hugbox universe or Abuse universe, as opposed to the general Neutralbox universe that Hugbox and Abusebox both happen in that most works today use?

Like, instead of building on each other’s Headcanon people were trying to tell others what the Hivecanon was?


Its more this, but there were a lot of other problems. To simplify it, in January 2020 there was only one active mod. More and more people were asking for their work to be deleted or their accounts removed. Fox has cited hellgremlins as the main cause, but I feel the problem is drama.

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The booru solidified fluffys to what we now know as fluffys before the booru they where still very much a part of mlp

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Hey may not have the power but he will repeat his fiction as fact to push his agenda over and over till his lie becomes truth, even fox own words are not good enough for oculus even though he could just ask and know the truth

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But what Fluffies actually are was already mostly in place.
Plus, many canons today have Hasbro and MLP exist in-universe.

Hasbio replacing Hasbro and Fluffies being created as Fluffies independent of horse cartoon in pop culture supported by plastic toys with comb-able manes is still Headcanon.

All the start of the Booru did was replace 4chan as the main place to post, but that came after all MLP content was booted off 4chan and the MLP sites expressed disdain or bans on Fluffy content.

Thus the pre-Booru history is not negligible. Its just as important, if not more so.

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No what fluffys would be all ready existed but those parts still existed whit the parts that tied fluffys more directly whit mlp ,the booru made the mlp origins less and less prominent giving fluffys their own quirks and tropes independent of the mlp origins ,after the booru you can write about a fluffy whit no knowledge of mlp

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So the Booru starting represented the cutting of the metaphorical umbilical cord from MLP.

It still doesn’t invalidate the history before that point. If you only start there, you basically have the modern (if rough) Fluffy idea with no explanation how that idea developed.

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It does not invalidate supersede it may be a better term

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Fair enough.

Three eras then? 4chan, Booru+2, and Fluffy Community+Reddit?
I mean, /trash/ has Fluffy posts. But uts not a 24/7 staple.

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I’m gen Y myself but because I suffered abuse, I find it really hard to have an absence of empathy when I see it. Though I appreciate all forms of fluffy content, if I enjoy abuse more it’s when a fluffy gets comeuppance rather than for no reason. Perhaps it’s part of my lingering desire to see suffering inflicted on me come back around.

As far as masculinity goes, I find the societal perspective on it regressive. In my perspective really what defines a man would be good qualities you could apply to any human being. It may sound like a non-answer but it’s difficult to explain. Looking through the comments here I’m not sure if we’re still on the topic of the post but I’m late to the party.

I’ll just leave this here.