Half-Baked Idea (Full Comic) (By: PeppermintParchment)

I remember those! Used to love making little snacks for myself all the time with those

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Now, this is art! Fluffies killing each other out of stupidity is my favourite subgenre in all fluffydom, but you also gave it a good, long set-up, giving us time to get to know and hate the characters.

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I remembered hearing about easy bake ovens but never actually seeing one, did we even sell them in the uk?

The finger burner 9000 claims another victim. Just glad mine were first degree.


Dying to a fluffy safe oven no wonder why people fucking abuse these things :sob:

Probably not - British companies are a bit less keen to let children stick their fingers in an oven.


Bahaha true! We are a little more strict here!

Couldn’t have gone any better ha ha

Yes!!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!

The babies lil frilly diaper is so cute!

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