Hasbio printer. (by: artist-kun)


Err…reverse abuse?


The question is, why not just print an adult fluffy?


Cute foals make more money.


Adults need more materials witch can be expensive


Just breeding fluffies would be the cheapest option. You know how much they do it.


Its creepy how it start chriping as u see those internal organs begins to show.

Reminds me of the dna processing in the movie, the 5th Element.


Maybe print some more fluff.

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Lmao :rofl::rofl::rofl: nice

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Which made more sense than using additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, as the cool kids say.

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Something about this machine just plopping DNA on a tray that assembles itself into a fluffy is very unsettling. The depiction of the process could be less literal, though.

Elaborate Headcanon Time @Oculusfluffy, you’ll like this one.

If I were to flesh out how a genetic printer would work,

I imagine its “ink tray” would contain all the components of the fluffy genome. This would be the genotype database, and such a concept is mind boggling to me. This piece of technology would have to be biomechanic in my opinion.

It would essentially be a master organ group contained within the assembly which produces egg and sperm cells, containing enough genetic information to account for every possible fluffy trait imaginable.

Perhaps this machine is the genesis of fluffies all together; the means in which HasBio scientists expanded on the fluffy concept in increments as they spliced more and more DNA strands together. Eventually, their contrived hermaphrodite-cyborg spawned something that was viable and capable of sustaining a metabolism.

Their unholy rebis that culminated in their own great work of alchemy, and the greatest sin against the laws of nature mankind has committed.

Programming this rebis would be relatively simple once provided a computer interface. Running the creation program would trigger the processes that cause supporting organ-machinery to release various hormones that dictate the egg and sperm combination for fertilization.

After conception, the zygote is stored in an amniotic fluid vat, where it undergoes gestation as it would inside a fluffy womb. The development of the zygote into an embryo and then a fetus is rapid, with a foal ready to be extracted in a matter of days after initial conception.

If HasBio had succeeded in completing their project, any fluffies born from the rebis would be sterile. Unfortunately, at the time of unscheduled release, enough fragments of the rebis existed in each viable fluffy for them to continue breeding on their own.

But with the knowledge of the rebis in mankind’s hands, who knows what worse things will be devised in the hell of genetic science?


This is creepy as fuck, dude.


I’d see a flesh printer like this needing a vacuum, and putting together a fluffy in suspended animation, to then use an electric shock to jumpstart the nerve cells and give it life after it’s been removed from the vacuum. Letting it think and talk would cause far too much movement for such precise printing.


“Hold on I made a mistake, can we roll it back to step 2?”