Have babbehs - LostDauphin

Have a remote car with a monster design to scare the shit (literally) out of him to loose weigh, make sure put him outside less trouble cleaning the carpet.


Lmao :rofl::rofl::rofl: lov your work

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Tu jewwy man,

Hewo. Am Wiww, a wittew stawion wif tu many fuud nummies tummies an nu Babbehs. Daddeh wan babbehs, nu caweh how, buh wan Wiww tu be maweh and be soon mummah wif manee Babbehs. Hewp. Am nu maweh, jus wittew stawion. Hab am boo boo juice foe cuntwack, weady wen ou am.

Stampies in boo boo juice,



Dr Apfelpherd has read his latest multiverse shannigans email

Time for Stallion Hab Bigges Babbehs!!

For a half pint of blood, Will is slim, and has 22 rare colors of babbehs, and a note for the human “By age 3 months, your life will be gone, and these fluffies will remain. Kill them, and your going to feel each injured foal come off your flesh”

Time to return home, I believe that I have done as requested. Write again, Will, and tell me anything new.

Tankju Jewwee Man, Will am du jus day!

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A fair point, but on the other hand you risk getting splattered when you hit someone. Perhaps a polearm (aka the ever popular ‘foal on a pole’)?

I guess he take the death option unintentionally.

The fluffy falls over and screes.

Lets out a massive fart and deflates.

“Fwuffy was neba pwegnant.”

Don’t worry I’ll let the- God save the queen starts