help to find a story.

Sorry if this is not the place to ask, there is a story I read but can’t find, it’s one where a guy fed up with her fluffie’s insistence lets her have her babies, but warns her that he will pretend they don’t exist, no extra food or anything to help her.

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I want to read the story as well. It’s not this one right? NO MIWKIES [44780 by FoalOut4]

Or this Mummah problems Part 2 (UnspeakableCake)

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it’s more of a “I’m going to punish my mare by letting them have babies, but letting them slowly die for lack of food” story, you know by feeding her, I just remember in the end out of desperation for her babies to eat her food and she gets really hungry and ends up beating one to death.

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Feeding sketti in the hall to turn the splorin?
Silver alicorn kept as a replacement?
Blue brother goes braindead in hunger?

I remember the sketti in the hallway, when he wants to give it to his brothers and sisters who have already died of starvation.