Hi e621! (Artist: SqueakyFriend)

i saw one time an art of a fluffy and a furry being burned to death
I think it was related to this since ive seen people from the spanish part of the fandom that doesnt like to associate fluffys with furrys since most of the sonas from the fluffy community are humans or demonic entities
Im chill with furrys except the ones that has really weird fetish and like loli or stuff like that


Furries only seem to think in terms of horniness, ive noticed.


That’s a Glaceon.

Fluffy fans of all people shouldn’t be making broad assumptions about other fandoms, given how much of fluffy artwork is focused on the brutal torture of small animals.

Furry fandom at its broadest simply means fans of anthropomorphic animals–Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse are Ur-anthros. Humans being humans, there is a lot of sexual stuff–and, again, Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse set the stage (especially that perv Bugs).

The furry community as a whole probably does have a negative opinion of fluffies, because of the abuse art and the 4chan connection, and you know, I don’t really blame them for that. Fluffies aren’t for everyone.

Also, keep in mind there are a lot of people who are fans of both, so let’s not make this an us vs. them thing.


My apologies. I don’t know anything beyond Gen 1. My mistake.

Same. I can’t identify most newer pokemon either.

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To be fair I completely forgot about Fluffies until I saw a post on there, I figured this stopped being a thing around the mid 2010’s. Glad to see I was wrong!


This has to be the best take here.

Trying to instigate drama with other fandoms shouldn’t be in the communities interest, especially since we can’t even tolerate one another half the time. Hell how many times did this site go under because the admin was fed up with it’s users?


Furries are pretty fucked up though: but at least e621 does provide a blacklist that lets you hide things you don’t like, like the glaceonbunny which should be hidden by default.

(I also found fluffy through e621. it’s always interesting finding the places where communities seem to overlap, but don’t.)

We assume everyone has asked for permission, but it’s pretty hard to actually verify that… So if someone wants to get their art removed, they can go to the bottom of any page and click “takedown” and follow the instructions. If you want to prevent your art from ever being uploaded there again, on the takedown page, near the bottom, there is a link to get added to the do-not-post list. <3

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I love seeing my art spread as far and wide as possible, so feel free to post mine there, and anywhere else too. :blush:

Reddit inlcuded. That place could really use my art, but I’m not making an account of my own on that site! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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How did Julie get there