How to make a breadfluff--- Story & Art: Inshi --- Translate: Larur

They’d be specially made like the bread fluffs. Its the running commentary though…

“Wike petties! Wan’ pway wiff fwuffies?”

“Pwease no go joggin’ mama! Fwuffy get aww bouncy!”


“Tu many bouncies, nu feew pwetty” Would they lactate instead of vomiting? :hmm:

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No idea. Its an absurd idea worthy of @Eded_ted. I would say they love being so close to their momma and each other. Its like a 24/7 hug.


Lmao :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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~sees the end~ Noted. :slight_smile:

Also thanks for posting it on the reddit too.

I can imagine a few people there are like ‘what?’ since only one or two of the 20+ bread fluffy things made it there. xD


I thought the same when I saw it on reddit, I had no idea that it was a contest, I usually check only the reddit, I will pay more attention to the page from now on


Holy shit man that was a great comic book! It’s so great! These new breadfluffs are really something


Nice work.

Came here to say this.


Cute comic also. I liked the flower petal babbehs.

I absolutely LOVE this concept, I remember coke bottle fluffies and I really wish more was done with this sort of concept, rather than the typically bland and completely unappetizing way most people show fluffies being used as food.
You don’t leave an animals digestive tract intact when you cook it!

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Coke bottle fluffies?

A fluffy pony made of glass and filled with cola. I hope the story got migrated, but I’m not sure.

Cómo siempre una excelente historia. Que gran trabajo Inshi, me encantan tus Bread

Amo esta historia es interesante y aporta mucho al lore , una pregunta los fluffy cocechados que no son 100% masa cuanto tiempo pueden vivir? acaso en su ultimos momentos de vida se los cocinar al completo para comer pan con carne en el interior? suena re interesante la idea de como se plantan solos ellos mismos . pueden existir salvajes o solo la formula les permite reproducirse a los de tierra?