If Fluffies were real. how would we all react? ( no_sketti_on_tuesdays)

I would own like a hundred of the little bastards! But only if they’re like my fluffies and don’t have weak bowels or are insanely stupid


@anon3053411 use them as leverage. If you get into a fight with your neighbors you send them all to shit on their lawn at once.


Oh I could befriend a feral herd and manipulate them into doing that. If my own fluffies did that I might get in trouble and have to clean it up


I work with horses. Not sure. It seems scary, a horse that begs and screams at you.


ig in real life i wouldnt really abuse them cause then it would get weird but… if i was a drawing… its ok


Depends on exactly how fragile and weak they are. I don’t want to risk fluffies hurting my smallest child or another if we have more. I also don’t want fluffies that would explode into blood at the first sign of trauma since that would scare the hell out of kids, too. And we would be very sick of cleaning blood up all the time.

We would probably have a fluffy or two in the house. Maybe if they were good, they could have babies. I can’t deny that I would probably do something like Pistachio’s Special Friend (OtherCoraline) if the stallion was not good father material, just to take a little hit of cruelty crack because a fluffy has the programmed capacity to appreciate the consequences and seeming unfairness of such a thing.

I would hope the fluffies would be able to reach a level of maturity beyond 4-5 years old so they could grasp concepts like delaying wants and controlling some of their emotions better. Otherwise I suppose my kids would be meeting a lot of “nyu fwiends” and a lot of fluffies would have gone to “live on a farm” or whatever the excuse is these days.

Ferals, though, would not be welcome–doubly so in the vegetable garden. The dogs would probably enjoy the sport of chasing and playing with fluffies. And, as for the pushy types it would be rewarding to throw a mummah and babbehs in a box out in front of a truck if they didn’t take “no” for an answer to the “nyu daddeh” question.


Ah man, i often think about them being real!! I rekon it Would take a while for them to get to the uk and by the time they did I would think/hope some of the less disirable traits would have been bred out.
I defo wouldnt get one strait away, wait and see what others think about them but at the same time i would be petting and probably feeding all the ferals lol! I think i would start with micros, then aqua and work up to a proper fluffy!!

Probably with some level of disgust. Morbid curiosity. I’d likely adopt one or a few. But for most ferals, especially smarties, mostly unbridled rage & hatred. Maybe even moods of a need to rip and tear until there’s none left in my vicinity… for a while.


they’d probably do a convention with blood stains all over the walls in the moronbox and abuse halls


If they were my version of fluffies, I’d probably own a ranch for them. And breed them relentlessly and sell them.

I’d be the best breeder in the west. Get a bunch if spider monkeys as pets too, and have tiny fluffy rodeos and whatever. :cowboy_hat_face:


My wife and I have parrots. You’d be fuckin’ surprised.


Really depends on the kind of fluffies we’re talking about.
The nice and kind ones would be alright. I’m a big softie in real life and would probably be the biggest hugboxer in the world.
If we’re talking roaming herds that destroy yards and the like, I’d keep a hose ready to turn on them.


If it ever went down like it does in bleakbox, ideally I’d never encounter them if the exterminators are doing their jobs.
If I did encounter one, depending on the setting, I might be being paid to kill them, or be legally obligated to kill them, or I could just leave them alone.

If Hasbio actually worked out all the kinks and made them genuine biotoys like they had planned, I’m still not sure if I’d ever want one, or if I’d have the time to take care of one. I’m happy with just my fish.


Another thing I could see happening is given their extremely short gestation and how quickly they reach maturity they’d be treated as an invasive species and many places would offer bounties on them to get people to kill them. I’ve seen them do it to coyotes many times here in Appalachia.

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I’m going to own them. And breed them…and take very good care of them.

And seperately I am going torture ferals and any foals I can buy for cheap.


I could see maybe having one or two good ones, though they’d 100% be neutered. For ferals it would mostly be kill on sight, because nobody has fences around here and they’d have free run of the area. Only concern then would be if some kid in the neighborhood had one get loose and it wanders into my yard.


In Texas you can shoot feral hogs for the hell of it. they’re invasive. breed fast and are everywhere down there and murder on a farmer’s fields.


They’ll still have no natural defenses. If fluffies were in real world they’ll get overhunted by other predators in the wild until their localized extinction[s].

Fluffies are also meant to live in domestic setting, so they aren’t that prepared to live in the wild. Spaghetti didn’t sprung out of ground ou there (or here).

Yeah but coyotes are predators. Something that your average fluffies will never be

I’m discounting those cannibal fluffy ocs obviously

Hogs are also tough as shit. Skin, muscle, tusks, and fangs. People dies from them.

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Depends on the headcannon. If they have no animal rights and are treated as toys, despite being living creatures, with all the fluffy traits except the randome exploding ones, would be very fun. Id love it

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Never said it was an easy task but I’ve seen vids of hunters flushing them out of cornfields and just taking down dozens of big ass hogs then taking the meat and giving it to shelters to feed the hungry. But they had to use 50 cal assault rifles to do it. Saw another of a winter attack and the hunters nearly got nailed by the hogs. scary shit.