IM back!! (By: Mouse_Brained)




Welcome back.

Definitely way too long-legged and thin to really qualify as fluffies, along with… whatever weird tail Spitfire has going. These just look like MLP characters. Look at some other art and try to draw inspiration from anatomy there.


well spitfire is meant to be a different breed meant to protect their herds. longer legs for quicker reaction time and the tail was more of the breeding choice for more likeability.!!
stubs was adopted so hes just a silly fella!!
thank you!! ^^ i will have more common fluffy accurate characters!


Even considering that Spitfire is a subspecies, it is generally a good idea to have your fluffies recognizable as such. Even Stubs, who I assume is a normal earthie, really just looks like a character from MLP. So again, I’m going to suggest looking at the anatomy of other artists’ fluffies and seeing what they do. I don’t wanna tell you what to change specifically, but stumpy legs, small fat bodies, and small necks tend to be key points.

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I’ll just reiterate what Za says, but… the importance of knowing how to draw biblically accurate fluffies is about preservation of this community. I realize that fluffies are just a weird spin on MLP but over the years we’ve grown into something pretty much completely separated from that show (maybe besides the hivecanon story of how fluffies came into existence).

While I’m all in for people experimenting with art and style and their own creations, if many people will just draw MLP ponies as “subspecies” of fluffies, we risk becoming just a place for some MLP fanart, which could easily be posted on X (FoRmErLy tWiTTeR) and pushing away legitimate fluffy content. It’s nothing personal, it’s about preserving our tiny little niche.

IF you really wish to experiment with subspecies (although they rarely turn out well, as people tend to try “fixing” fluffies, while their entire charm is about how messed up they are), I suggest starting with drawing regular fluffies stuff first, seeing some regular fluffy art, and maybe then experimenting. Although you might just realize that they are cute the way they are.


They look fantastic, especially Stubbs.
If Spitfire was a little more chub and a little less legs, he(?) would look more like a fluffy, but I still dig the cartoony vibe you have going on here.

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real? a year ago people had many subspecies of fluffies and there were still actual fluffies. has it gotten stricter within the past year???

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Ignore these guys. People have always drawn fluffies with their own unique style. I personally like it when they’re depicted closer to actual ponies than hamster-things.


Telling someone to ignore people giving constructive criticism is kind of a dumb idea. Also:

Style is one thing, but fluffies still need to look like fluffies. There have pretty much always been a set of anatomical guidelines that need to be followed, for basically the entire decade I’ve been in this community.

Yes, you may want to read rule 12.

This explains a lot!! Okay!! Well i do like following rules so I’ll give him stubbier legs. Though he does act like a fluffy! Maybe more on the lines of those bratty smarty fluffies at that.


Beyond what @Za said, I think it’s an odd piece of advice, telling someone to ignore site staff, who’s here to enforce rules.