Important message! (CookieCrunch)

i believe this pic is for everyone actually, even if abusers are trying to cool dude their way out of admitting it


well that just made my day


very nice very very very very very very very cute

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Aww! Thank you, that was a very important message indeed! :heart:

Lies! All Lies!! Every word, lie!! Ba-humbug, so many liars!!

Secretly, and privately secures the message, and tucks a couple twenty’s to the mailwoman

Okay, begone, messenger of lies!! Shoo!! Don’t forget, hot skettis in the mailbox!! Damndable liars!! Grr!!

Waves bye to the happy mailwoman who’s enjoying her earned skettis

Gah!! So many lies! Unbelievable!! Ha-rumph!!

Thanks, I was feeling abit down, that image made me feel better!!