In Need of Art Requests - WilsonFluff

Hello, does anyone have any requests for me to draw?


If you want something simple just my character Dream is fine

Pegasus, blue coat, white hair, red eyes, nothing super special

thanks if you do

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What is your limit on what you will draw? Hugbox, Abuse, Anthro, S*x, Etc

Fluffy pony bravely facing down a guinea pig.


Pretty much anything besides Shit- (Not really comfortable enough to draw that yet)

Chirpies swaddled up in little blankets like baby bats, maybe have one drinking from a bottle. If you don’t want to do this one I’ll probably do it myself.


I wanna see Tater-tot fluffies… Maybe swimming in ketchup.


You could always draw one of my characters. There’s descriptions of their appearances in my character bios. The Death of Fluffies, Carmilla and Karma have already been drawn, so preferably not them.


Here is everything my sick brain has come up with to date when I have pitched fluffy ideas.

Sad shit:

Severely injured fluffy pleading with a stray dog to take care of her foal.

A fluffy at the counter of a fast food place with a small pile of coins and coin shaped things they have collected, begging the cashier for food.

A fluffy with a super cut up mouth because she made a nest out of fiberglass insulation so her babies would survive the winter.

A fluffy being force fed condoms full of cocaine, then later being terrified so it shits them out.

A raccoon eating out of a garbage can while a fluffy watches. The fluffy tries to get close, but the raccoon slaps her, and she goes back to where she was and cries.

A sad feral in a live trap that is in a kiddie pool filling with water.

A person petting a fluffy that’s in their lap. The fluffy is hairless, covered in scars, possibly even missing some body parts like an ear, eye, or leg, and with a sad, defeated look on its face. There is a caption that reads something like, “There are no smartie fluffies, just owners who aren’t willing to take the time to train them right”

A pillowed fluffy that has been forgotten outside crying as a bird is pulling its fluff off.

A person catches a feral fluffy looking for food in their kitchen. The fluffy is begging not the be put back outside. Saying it would even prefer “forever sleepies” to being out in the cold.

A happy family scene where some parents have gotten their children a foal. In the background, a full grown fluffy is peaking out of a garbage can and crying.

Weird shit:

A fluffy tries to make friends with a police horse. The police officer gets back, and unceremoniously maces the fluffy.

A full sized fluffy is stuffed into a hamster cage. Out of frame, someone insists it is a micro fluffy because that’s what the cashier told him he was buying.

A fluffy going door to door excitedly trying to sell Amway.

The lotion scene from Silence of the Lambs, but it’s a brown fluffy with a colorful fluffy in the hole telling it “rub da sketty on da fwuff” or something like that.

A person introducing their new foal to their adult fluffy. The fluffy looks at it, then stares angrily at the owner and says something like, “Fwuffy not dead yet!”

An ad for some sort of special toilet seat that allows fluffies to use the bathroom instead of a litter box. The fluffy in the ad is freaking out because it is scared if drowning and has to be physically held onto the seat. (the product doesn’t obviously appear to be dangerous)


he should draw pierre


He could draw Pierre with Nikola and Audrey.


“Fwuffy wiww hab too numbah nines…”


I REALLY like the Stray dog idea but, If I may add to it, what if the dog the mare is pleading with has rabies? The fluffy, being far too moronic to realize, watches in horror as the dog brutally rips apart her children. After devouring her children, the stray turns to her and finishes the job.

Also, love the other ideas, but just food for thought.


You are more than free to do whatever you want with any of those. It’s not like these are commissions. If one of these inspires something that’s not quite the same, go for it.

As far as my opinion goes, I was envisioning more of a sad, desperate vibe with the dog thing. Throwing rabies in the mix makes it more moronbox. Which isn’t bad, just a different tone.

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a tired and thirsty fluffy finds a leaky faucet dripping water slowly, lays under it to drink, proceeds to drown after falling asleep because he’s so tired.


a crackhead brandishing a fluffy like a shotgun, robbing an Italian restaurant

a fluffy with an 80’s power metal mullet


fluffy stuck on velcro

fluffy bungee jumping

fluffy with a full body mohawk

Mr. T as a fluffy


This is hella crazy, considering a couple of hours prior, I was contemplating drawing a fluffy with a Mullet/80’S Outfit.
(Plus, All those suggestions are hilarious, 10/10 for creativity, especially the first one)

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I’ve been thinking about that first one for awhile, I’d have done it myself but I can’t really do art.

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Due to having the attention span of a small rodent and being generally incompetent, I found myself unable to locate some of the OCS you requested in your character bio. If it would not be too much trouble, and if possible, could you please copy and paste the character’s bios you wish drawn? ^^ Thank you!

Also quick note, I might have slight trouble drawing humans (specifically faces)


Scroll down to the section marked FLUFFY CHARACTERS. Or just Ctrl-F those two words. I don’t have a specific character in mind, I like to see which character artists decide to go with.