Into the Void with you. (by Madpancakes)

It gnaw’s, it rives, it tears at me looking at my first piece. If you can even call it that. A piece of poopy Garbage.

I got some helpful tips from the community and the more I heard the less satisfied I was with my performance.

I woke up sweating in the middle of the night asking myself Questions to which I did not know the answers to, why does he look like a McDonald’s Plaything mascot reject.
Why is “Slushie” such an utter disappointment to me. So I called the only people I know have lived through such a trauma and my parents said that I should never bother them again.

I will continue developing an art style and I am staying open to criticism as It motivates me to make more of an effort.

And in time you will learn the tragic extent of my failings.


I love that game.

also, first art is always cringy once you move on. I’m still not really happy with mine some eleven fluffy arts later, but even I admit it’s a lot better than the first.
this My first attempt at paint3d artwork and my first fluffy art. Rook, Alphastock 1A of the Pack. by:Shadowfox

vs this The Pack's First Christmas- a quick flash forward (Shadowfox)


Honestly I think the most important part is that we will keep trying. And as we get better the first drawing will be a reminder of the progress we made.

By the by I have read a lot of your stories and I enjoy them quite a lot. I find you very talented and I hope you can see that in yourself too.


Thanks, that always helps- es[ecially when I made the mistake of re-reading a fanfiction I wrote nearly a decade ago last night, lol.


Here lies Slushie, the first brick in the foundation of the unfolding talent.


“We will make Diamonds from their ashes and take them into battle with us.”


You may need to improve your style but your humour is quality!