Invited # 15 (By: FallenAngel)

Hopefully that garden is full of Parsley!

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Oh I wish, but that garden is special :grin:

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Leafy could plant some Parsley around the border of the garden! To keep away/punish entitled/ theaving fluffies


Too bad Tummeg Babbehs are going to get wasted. Another Alicorn or Poopie is possible.


HI sentence the bitch to death:


~Crescendo grows towards the inevitable~

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I find myself loving the yellow action markers. Great energy.


Aww poor munstah babbeh :frowning:

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loads welder with murder intent the moms mine
daddy like


God, and she’s fucking pregnant again. She’s still nursing foals! They never stop… no wonder they end up without enough food for their babies. Fucking morons, these things. I can’t wait to see them all dead of their own ignorance.


Yeah, those fluffies are fucked… March of the ent time…

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As much as I hate Acron getting hurt, at least it’s further proof to Leafy that he’s innocent.


I can’t wait to see the mother lose her “Thummy babies” because she didn’t listen to acron

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:shushing_face: shhhhh dont ruin the excitement i just need to add more spice.

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Yes, it still sadden me to draw him like this , but its part of the story :fearful:

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Well acorn and his smarty brother were her litter, so the father humps her for more, and by this scene its almost time, she just lookin for a good place to nest.

I thank this community artists for giving me a good idea what an ego mare would be in a story thats begging to be punished in any worst way possible, believe me she will get what she derserves :smiling_imp:

yes, kill stupid pooppy babeh :smile:

your fluffies are so cute, and that just makes it more insufferable when they’re being assholes, great work :heart:

poor sweet Acorn… hope the fat, snorting shitrats get thrashed just as badly as they trashed the garden

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So, I guess Acorn will get beaten up some more and maybe pooped on by his family but not killed. I hope Leafy of the Fair Folk returns soon to punish these little hellspawn with karmic vengeance.

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