Invited # 46 - END (By: FallenAngel)

The work ya put into this whole thing is impressive, and the work paid off. From an art direction standpoint, the character design is excellent and distinct, able to be unique without being too complex, which is actually rather difficult to achieve. The shading is simplistic, but works well. Personally, when I decide to shade something, I can never leave the damn thing alone. The use of color is pretty good, decently vibrant, but not gonna make m’ eyes hurt. The lines are sharp, yet slightly rough enough to give the handmade charm, like they were done with a fine pen.

From a story standpoint, it’s pretty satisfying. Naturally, karma is a very enjoyable thing, and it’s nice to see little Acorn get a new chance at life. The pacing is decent, and it has a proper arc. It kinda reminds me of when I was a kid, and reading the first book to a graphic novel, there were certainly questions to be asked about characters and the world by the end of the first book, but the book also maintained a beginning and end, which is what this comic has also succeeded in doing. There’s certainly room for future additions, and I’m looking forward to it, but at least this doesn’t cut off on a big ol’ cliffhanger.

I consider myself somewhere in the neutral territory when it comes to hugbox vs. abuse. I do have high-empathy, but like most people, often have the wish to punch that which annoys me. When violence was done here, it was done pretty well, and was a good deal brutal. I don’t think it was ever really “too much” for what it was, just considering the nature of the fluffy community, and the context of the story. Plus, that said, it didn’t detract from the story, which is good, because if ya wanna tell a story ya gotta tell a story, sure if someone wants to make something for gore are the focus that’s fine, but ya gotta know which you’re doin’, and sometimes movies and/or shows make the mistake (or cheap choice) to have gratuitous violence (or sex, that’s a common one too) that ends up not really adding anything.
Anyway, the flip side of the coin is cuteness, and Acorn… is bebby. He’s what can be called a mature-child character. What I mean is emotional maturity. He’s young, so he might make mistakes, and he has limited power and knowledge, but he seems to wanna always try to do the best he can, which is really all you can ask from a child. Leafy is what can be categorized as an “authoritative” parental figure (the others being “authoritarian”, “permissive”, and “absentee”), which means having set standards + being supportive of a child’s emotional needs. So, high effort, high reward. Acorn hopefully will be able to grow up into a well-rounded adult fluff someday.

One of the absolute best fluffy-related works ever created, really.

Oh, and I love Faust with the red berries. I’m about to get kinda dark here, but my mom actually has a tattoo on her back of a crow on a rowan branch, because it has meaning to her. I can’t really explain the context for a variety of reasons, I’ll just say that crows are sorta like… a guardian of babies to her. Hell, my name is actually raven related.
Protecc the Acorn bebby, Faust. :pleading_face:


Very happy with smarty’s torturous fate. Bravo!


The bad babbehs always wins
The good babbehs gives a second chance to live, but if they act smarty again kill them.
The best es babbeh is now the poopie babbeh forever


Thank you for taking the time to make this. It was amazing from start to finish.


It’s been a long and interesting road. Overall I’m satisfied. The bastard smarty herd leader got his deserved punishment, Acorn, and Leafy went back to their routine, life is good.

I hope the Smarty still can see, him watching Acorn having a good life plus I presume the roots digging into his flesh would be pure torture XD

And did Leafy’s mistress add more stuff into Acorn? What I mean is did she fix the half-ass and unfinished Fluffy DNA of Acorn?


Going to a far part of the area where something was causing problem and calls for assistance. Coming soon :shushing_face:

Gonna chill for a while as brain is a mush :sweat_smile:


Many ask that well… All i can say is :shushing_face:


Wow im honored, thank you. :blush: Acorn characteristics was due to his trauma and will try to live and survive thats few gene he somehow inherit from his smarty father but evolving abit for his own survival as to follow rules or he wont get any nummies.


Forgive me for saying this but


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Yeah, I suppose trauma would certainly be a contributing factor to Acorn’s personality. Being low-status doesn’t exactly leave room for anything besides a humble existence. Still, despite whatever flaws he got via being a fluffy and having some smarty genetics, he’s capable of learning, and can be reasoned with to some level. That already leaves him a lot better off survival-wise than any member of his past herd.


The smarty’s final end. Keep alive until he slowly becomes plant food.

That’s an 11/10 ending!


He’s an Alicorn. most commonly depicted as being smarter than regular fluffies by a really big margin. Alicorns are almost at human levels of understanding and intelligence, so don’t worry about Acrorn getting into trouble due to fluffy stupidity.


True, though I know each creator tends to handle their fluffies at least slightly differently, so I can’t necessarily assume the intelligence of a fluffy from type alone. Unless it’s a straight up smarty, smarties are predictable, but anything else I tend to figure things based on characterization of original characters on a case-by-case basis.
Anyway, I’d like to think of Acorn as a smart lil beansprout regardless. :laughing:


Just realized the insult to injury: the smarty daddy is now effectively the poopie fluffy for Acorn. Not that Acorn knows that. But still…


This was such a great comic, i really love it, thank you for make it.


Yay yay!!


I’d like to think that final panel is canon.

A skeleton that is the avatar of the creator of the universe just visits sometimes and talks to the fence wall, and Acorn is polite enough to think that’s perfectly fine.

Also, are those the world-destroying alien mushrooms in his pouch?!



Side note: I may never have said it, so I’ll say it now, those are some damn cute fluffies. Acorn especially even more in that bonus thank you pic, that’s such a cute smile. Really no need to thank us,

Thank you for creating such a wonderful comic!


Yup thats his final nail to his coffin, being a smarty and " dun cawe " of the rules, thats what he gets the worst of it all.

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Nope just reg cookin white mushroom :sweat_smile: Leafy sometimes cooks for Acorn and for herself just to have something new.