it’s undertale as fluffies!!! (Frisk + MK and chara + asreil) by Ms_Random

and here is chara and frisk, and mk and asriel

frisk is a kind mute teen who falls into and joins the herd/ kills them depending on your all choices/run
MK us a hybreed like flowey, but he was also born with out front hoofies. he learn how to walk on his two back legs and has a really, really strong head unlike other fluffies. he does face planet alot tho.
chara is somewhat kind, teen who was abuser, until she got adopted by Asriel who was too sweet and cute for this world, she does change her ways tho once falling and meeting herd, till she was killed but other abusers.
asriel is a shy bean offer to adopt chara much to their amusement and called them their sibling. he didn’t hate humans, chara being the first one he met. . . then he became flowey after his dead.

sans and papyrus
undyne and alphys
toriel and asgore
napstablook and mettaton


The girl on the left has some pretty bad jaundice. Must be hepatitis from hanging around that fluffy. Either that or she’s drunk.

uhhh that how frisk looks like in UT

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you should stop talking

So wait, why’d other abusers kill Chara? Was she carrying Asriel and it was kind of a “gimme the fluffy or I’ll kill ya both” situation, or what?

Fluffy Monster Kid is adorable though, kind of a dino fluff.

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i read someone else comic on the subject, how a group like fluffies, other group hates fluffies and attack chara cause she brought asriel with her outside the herd cause he wanted to see or something, and they were both killed, her from bleeding out after she went back to the herd and asriel was stomp to death

and thanks you, i did my best

I don’t need to do anything.

There’s no hugbox tag here and I’m not attacking the artist personally with my jokes. It’s free game.

I know (and it’s apalling to my eyes there too). No hate towards you.

I just wanted to make a joke. lol

Hey, if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s Toby Fox’s fault. So go hate on him.

That’s the guy who made Undertale, before you ask. He’s another bloody legend who made a career out of trolling and shitposting. He composed an album about mpreg to spite the Homestuck forum’s rule against art of pregnant kids, and if you don’t think that’s ridiculous enough, he then got a song from that album into Pokémon Sword and Shield.

He made an edgy ROM hack of Earthbound, and now a song from that ROM hack is in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

He got invited to fucking Masahiro Sakurai’s house to play Smash with the guy who created Smash, and won half of the matches.

He trolls hard, and I’ve gotta respect him for that.


I didn’t say you needed to do anything, i said you should stop talking

Hes a real inspiration

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Stopping is an action. Telling me to stop is telling me to do something. :I

do you not know what the word ‘should’ means?

As in “should I be making popcorn or sprinting towards the bomb shelter?”

Because that’s the question on my mind right now.


The context you used it in read like a command. :confused:
And even if it wasn’t intended to be a command, no I shouldn’t stop talking if I don’t want to.
The artist didn’t ask me to stop so there’s no need to.

Anyway, I’m gonna end this here because I don’t wanna spam the artist’s notifications.

I can never see this phrase the same again nowadays… :frowning:

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The war…

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Oh, right. I wouldn’t really start worrying until the DEFCON number starts going down, though. It isn’t Cuban Missile Crisis bad yet. I’m talking “holy shit, nuclear annihilation could begin at any moment” bad.

Yeah, it’s a horrible situation. But we’re not in the worst case scenario yet. Think about that.

I’m not trying to make light of all the deaths. But we’ve been killing each other for millennia. This is nothing new. Nobody has enough tears to cry for every single victim of war.

I don’t care about the what-ifs.

It’s what’s actually happening that upsets me. I have friends from Ukraine. :frowning:

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