Little Laguna, Chapter 9 (Noodle)



“… Fank 'ou, Daddeh… nu wike woud beepies.”

With the dreaded alarm silenced, it was time to start our day. Yesterday was an important point in little Laguna’s development, a door opened, a future glimpsed. Now, I need him to walk through that door. After some light stretching in the bed, and some light ear scratches, it’s time to start our morning.

“Alright, bud, let’s get started on our routine,” I say to Laguna, picking him and my tray up, before walking to the bathroom.

“Wooteen? Wat dat, Daddeh?” He asks curiously.

“Its how we start our day. We get clean, presentable, and ready to kick the day’s ass.”

“Otay! Waguna am weady fow wooteen!”
He was not ready. Walking into th bathroom, I turned the sink on, and Laguna starts to shiver and cry. “Daddeh! Pwease nu wet ba’ wawa git wiw Waguna!” I set him on the countertop and give a small chuckle. I had thought we already went over his fear of water.

“Don’t worry, you turd, you’re not going in the sink.” He puffs his cheeks up at me.

“Nu am poopies, Daddeh! Buh… dank ‘ou fow not puttin’ Waguna in da sowwy sink.”

After brushing my teeth, and doing my other proclivity, I walk over and turn the shower on, carefully adjusting the heat and force of the water coming out of the shower head. I then walk over, and with a “yay, upsies!”, I pick Laguna up, before that joy being soured with our approach to the shower ahead. He, once again, begins to shiver and complain.

“Daddeh wie! Yu say nu wet Waguna get huwt by wawa! Huuhuu-hurghk!” He’s cut off mid cry, as I squeeze him tight in my hand, bringing his face in front of mine. A little bit of scaredy poopies falls to the floor.

“Watch your tone, Laguna. Daddy may like you more than the other shitrats, but I have no problem crushing you to death right here. Now listen, I said I wouldn’t put you in the sink, and I didn’t. You will be taking a shower everyday, because youre a stinky, filthy fucking creature. Do you understand me?” I loosen my grip as so to allow him to speak.

kaff kaff yus… daddeh… Waguna unnastan,” he says, light tears falling from his eyes. I roll my own eyes, and set him on the back of the toilet, as I sit down on the toilet seat facing him. I reach over and give him some light pets, and Laguna rubs his body into my hand, even though fear and sadness is still plastered on his face.

“You know why I named you Laguna?” I ask him.

“N-nu knyo, daddeh…”

“Your name comes from the story of a city called Wate-I mean-Fluffy 7, and the terrible, strong storm they deal with,” I started.

“Whoaaa… Wat am stowm?”

“A storm is when big, dark clouds in the sky gets mad and drops a bunch of water on the ground for a while and makes loud BOOM noises!” Laguna jumps at this. “And the Aqu-I mean-Fluffy Laguna was the biggest, and strongest storm of them all! And every year, this big giant storm would come to the fluffy town of Fluffy 7, threatening to put the whole town of fluffies underwater!”

“Eeep! Dat su su su scawey!”

“But do you think the fluffies of Fluffy 7 were scared? NO! The fluffies knew all they had to do was be strong, and build their fluffy town above the water! And then, as long as the fluffies kept their heads and homes above the water, they learned the water wouldn’t hurt them! And they also learned how fun the water was, and that it would keep them clean, and also helped when they were thirsty! So you see, while water can be scary, you can also be brave and strong. Strong enough that even the scariest of waters can’t hurt you! And because you’re Daddy’s toughie, I named you after the strongest of all the water! That means that there is no water stronger than you! And with me by your side, I’ll never let any scary waters hurt you, ok?” Thank you fictional pirates, who served as inspiration for my complete lack of imagination.

Laguna sits and thinks heavily on the story, or the parts he actually understood, for a minute. Finally, he looks up at me, firmness in his eyes.
“Hmph, otay, Daddeh! Waguna weady fow wawa, nu hab scaredies nu mowe.”

I give a slight chuckle and pick him up, opening the shower curtain. “We will see.” As we walk in the shower, his eyes shut tight. I walk under the stream, and let some of it lightly wet Laguna’s bottom half. After a few moments, he begins to warm up to the shower, metaphorically and literally.

“Mmm, wawmies…” He coos. I moved my soap off the soap rack and set him there so I can wash myself, before picking him up and starting on him, washing all over his body gently with a rag. After rinsing off and turning the shower off, we get out, and I begin to dry him and myself off, before then walking back into my room to get dressed. After getting completely ready, me and Laguna start walking down the hallway to the saferoom. Before we walk through the door, I kneel down next to Laguna.

"OK bud, you’re my toughie now. The babbehs in here aren’t going to be very nice to you anymore. The babies in there are bad babies now, and don’t understand that youre special and better than them, so it’s your job to put them in their place. You need to do make them listen to you and Daddeh, or give them big hurties. Do you understand? Can you do this for Daddy? Laguna deliberates for a few seconds, before looking up with a confident grin.

“Yus, daddeh!”

We walk in the room to find a gloomy scene. Both siblings are laying next to the empty milk bottles, cuddling and still crying. Wasting no time, I shout at them “Get your asses up and over here, NOW.” The foals stir, but don’t get up. My eye twitches at this, but I then smile and look down at Laguna. “They’re not listening to Daddeh, Laguna. Go over there and make them get up.” Without skipping a beat, Laguna starts to trot over, before stomping on Dopey’s tail.

“SKREEEE! Huwties!” Shouts Dopey, as he shoots up, but unable to free himself from Laguna.

“Wisten to bestest Daddeh ow 'ou git wowest stompies!” He tells him, before releasing his tail. Dopey turns around with a vicious look, before it deflates when he sees Laguna and my own glare. Dopey then turns around, and starts to trudge over to me. Laguna looks up at me happily awaiting praise, while I just stare at Sora, who still hasn’t gotten up.

“Ahem! There’s one more,” I say, before pointing at her. Laguna looks at Sora, before turning back to me with a mixed expression.


“No buts. Get your ass moving before I get pissed.” Laguna then turns back and starts tapping her with his hoof lightly.

“G-g-git upsies, ow-ow-ow w-wiww gib s-sowwy h-hoofsie… pwease?” I face-palm and then walk over to the two, snatching Sora up by her tail

“Ba’ upsies!” She cries.

“Fucking Jesus Christ…” I mutter, before walking out the saferoom with her, slamming the door shut behind me. As I start making my way outside to go to the fluffy shed, Sora, terrified, asks me a question.

“Peep! Whewe munsta t-taek Sowa…?” I don’t give her an answer, and open the door to the Fluffy shed. The first thing she sees is her mother nursing her sister. “MUMMAH!” She shouts. Jessibell looks up, her eyes growing wide. “Mummah! Sowa am missies yu! Chirp! Sabe babbeh fwom munsta!” Jessibell still doesn’t say anything except stare with a horrified expression. “Mummah? Why mummah nu ma’e tawkies tu widdwe babbeh? Mummah nu wub babbeh nu mowe? Am babbeh ba’?”

As I scrounge around looking for something I say to the filly in my hand, “She can’t talk anymore, I cut out her stupid fucking tongue. And if you don’t shut the fuck up, I’ll rip your fucking tongue out as well!”

“Eeep!” She squeals, and as she looks closer, she sees all the scratches and cuts around her mother’s mouth, and with Jessibell’s continued silence, Sora realized what I was saying must be true. She turns her head and then sees Dumbass, or rather, what was left of him. He had been shaved completely bald, and covered in cuts, bruises, and scribbles of things she didn’t understand were words, humiliating words and phrases. His tail had been docked, as if he never had one, as well as his front legs for that matter. All there was were two stumps, that each had nasting scaring and stitching over them. They wiggled and writhed as if he was trying to use them for some unknown task. He had deep, black bags under his eyes, as even though he got sleep through being dosed with heroin, it was clear by looking at his eyes that his times awake have been nothing but complete, exhausting agony. Lastly, when he yawned, Sora noticed all of his front teeth had been pulled out, leaving only a few back teeth. He was no longer the strong, if not a little dim, smarty she once knew. No, this was a broken husk, wizened through many torturous trials. She threw her hooves over her eyes to hide from the horrors around her.

“Aha! Found em,” I exclaim, pulling out a pair of electric clippers. I plug it in, and set her atop the table I had set up in the shed. Sora held tight her hooves over her eyes, desperately clinging to the notion that if she can’t see the monster, then the monster doesn’t exist. I lean down close to her and whisper, “This is all Laguna’s fault,” before turning on the buzzing clippers.

In the saferoom, Laguna was acclimating to his new role. “Laguna am toughie, Dopeh wisten tu daddeh an Waguna, ow git sowwy hoofies! Nu bweak da wuwes, ow git sowwy hoofies! Unnastan?” He said to Dopey, cheeks puffed and wings sprawled out to bulk up his appearance.

“Peep! Yus… Dopeh unnastan… pwease nu gib huwties! Chirp!” Dopey replied dejectedly, his shoulders slump and his head hung low. Dopey then asks, “Why Waguna gib bwudda foweba sweepies?” his voice choking back sobs. Laguna face flashes through a range of emotions, puzzled, saddened, and then angry.

“Yu am ba’ babbehs,” he uttered, before turning away from Dopey, not wanting to speak with him anymore. After some time of tense waiting, I finally walked back through the saferoom door, with the sound of muffled sobs and huuhuu’s accompanying me, closing the door behind me. The two little colts meet me in the center of the room, before I bend down closer to them, dropping the filly from my hand to the floor in front of them.

“You better be ready to fucking act right, Laguna, or shit will get worse,” I snarled, as the two colts gasp at the sight before them. I had shaved, rather poorly, Sora bald. Her mane was gone, her tail and winges docked, with only small patches of white fur sparsely scattered across her body, along with a few superficial cuts and scratches.

“S-sissie?” Dopey asked, still in shock, as Laguna stared ahead mouth ajar.

“Huuhuuhuu!” Was all she cried, her eyes shut tight and refusing to open, her body shaking in sheer terror. Dopey begins to walk towards her before I shout at them.

“NO, DON’T MOVE. Laguna, you will not let Dopey near her at all, and she gets no huggies or play with anyone. If Dopey tries to anyway, you give him hurties. AND, if you don’t listen to me, then everyone here gets hurties, and YOU WILL GET THE WORST ONES. Do you understand me?” I shout, as I then get in a more comfortable sitting position. Dopey looks over to Laguna with a pleading look, as Laguna looks back with sorrow. Dopey then turns back to Sora, and determinedly begins to walk to his sister to give huggies, as his biological instinct screams at him to comfort his beligerent sister, that huggies make everything better. He’s then barreled into by Laguna, who gives him a solid kick to his stomach while he’s on the ground.

“Oomph, wheeze” Dopey grunts.

“Nu! Nu gu neaw Sowa ow git WOWEST STOMPIES! Stupie poopie babbeh!” Laguna practically spits down at Dopey. Dopey rolls over onto his feet and looks longingly at his sister before giving up, getting up, and walking towards the litterbox. Laguna looks at me for approval, to which I nod, and then he looks down sadly at Sora, who still hasn’t moved or stopped crying. His little belly begins to rumble, which I barely heard.

“Now, I’ll be right back. I’ll know if you’ve been a good boy or a bad boy, so you better keep it up. I’m going to go get you guys some food,” I say, getting to my feet. “I still love you, Laguna.” Laguna hangs his head, as I turn around walk out the door.

“Wuv Daddeh tuu…”

I walk back out into the the fluffy shed, in order to get Jessibell. As I approached her, she begins shaking and silently crying, scared of what I might do to her. I snatch her up by her neck, causing her to drop Dummy.

“Chirp! Mummah! Pee–SPLAT!”

I quickly and unceremoniously crushed the irritating bestest under my foot, to the absolute horror of her mother.

“AAAAEEEEEEEEOOOOOOUUGH!” Jessibell cried, tongueless as she was. “Awn iie. Awn iie. Awn iie.” She uttered over and over, as we walked back inside.

“I don’t give a shit what she’s trying to say,” I thought to myself, as we then walked in the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and filled it with some kibble, to which I then grabbed one of Jessibell’s crotch-tits and squeezed it hard over the bowl of kibble.

“AAAIIIEEEE!” She howls in pain. I then brought her up in front of my face.

“Alright you worthless shit-rat. If you want to avoid any more hurties, you better feed your last two foals in there and NOTHING else. If you do anything I don’t like, you know what happens, don’t you?” I tell her, as I pull the shock collar remote out of my pocket and wave it in front of her face. She just shakes her head up and down yes rapidly. “Good.”

Back in the safe room, the foals were in relatively the same spots, with only Dopey moving, now over by the empty bottles, as since he couldn’t get comfort, he yearned longingly for food. Surprisingly, Sora eases up on her crying and glances around her surroundings. She sees Laguna, who tries to give her a faint smile, only for her to glare deeply at him. She then saw her final brother, head hung low at the ground, trying to slyly cast tiny glimpses toward his sister. She gets to her feet and begins to trot towards Dopey, desperate for huggies and attention, only to get intercepted by Laguna half way.

“Wai’! Nu gu!” He shouted as he planted himself in her way. She slowed down and continued her bitter stare towards him.

“Peep! Why stupie Waguna get in Sowa’s way?! Sowa hab wowest heawt huwties! Munsta gabe babbeh wowest huwties and ugwies! Chirp! Nu hab pwetty taiw, o-ow pwetty fwuff! Huuhuu! Nu eben hab pwetty wingies dat ma’e babbeh ‘peshul! Huuhuu! Peep! Nee’ huggies! Nee’ famiwy! Peep!” She cried, as she tried to circle around him. Laguna continued to get in her way.

“Nu! Daddeh wiww gib AWW babbehs huwties! An-an… Waguna nu fink Sowa am ugwies…” He cried, trying his best to talk her down. She then gets right in his face, and starts angrily yelling at him.

“NU CAWE! Chirp! AWW BABBEHS AWWEADY HAB HUWTIES! Huuhuuhuu! HAYCHU! Munsta teww babbeh dis am yoo’s fauwt! You maek munsta huwt babbehs and mummah! YU GIB FOWEBA SWEEPIES TU BWUDDA! HAYCHU! HAYCHUU MUNSTA–SMACK–,” a hoof struck her abruptly mid rant. She looked up and saw Laguna, who was sporting an angry look, and his marginally bigger body bowed up at her. The heated fluffies hadn’t even noticed me enter, who had just seen Laguna strike Sora across the face.

“YES! This is what I’m talking about, Laguna!” I shout towards him, with the fluffies whipping their heads around to me, in various shades of shock. As I approach them, I lightly toss Jessibell to the floor. “Get to work, Jessibell,” I command her, as she slowly gets up and walks to the wall so she can prop up and feed the foals. The two sibling foals are ecstatic at their mother’s appearance, rushing over to her.

“Mummah!” Shouts Dopey who makes it there first.
“Mummah! Sabe babbehs, PWEASE!” Sora pleads with her mother, despite knowing she won’t recieve any reply. Jessibell does nothing but blankly stare at the foals, and taps her “milky places” for her foals to come feed. Dopey obliges, and quickly attaches himself to a nipple, gulping down the sweet delicious mummah’s milkies. The same milkies that before he was merely rationed too little of, or was forced to eat poopies instead, and now has no fear of objections or deridements. Sora finally gives in to hunger, and dejectedly attaches herself to the other nipple.

I place Laguna’s food down, and start giving him some loving pets and rubs. “Good job, Laguna, i knew you could do it! Daddy is so proud of his tough little man. Here, I got you some food, bud,” I tell him, who after hearing those words and the heated and bitter words of Sora, left Laguna feeling deeply confused. On one hand, his daddy was showing him affection and love, but more importantly to Laguna, recognition. On the other, him and his Daddy has given many hurties to fluffies, and were called “munstas!”

“Fankoo…” He muttered, as he solemnly walked to his food bowl, and began eating it.

Pleased with how everything was going, I reach into my pocket, so I could do a little “victory” bump, but instead pulled out an empty bag. “Fuck…” I say aloud, as I squat down by Laguna again, who was slowly chowing down his food. “Hey bud, Daddy has to make a quick run, ok? Can you hold down the fort, and keep these shitters in line?” I ask him, softly rubbing his back.

“Howd down da fowt?” He asked.

“Yeah, that means watch over the saferoom, and make sure the rules are being followed and nothing bad happens. If anyone gets out of line, give them sorry hooves, and then tell me what happened when I get back. Can you do all that?” I ask him. Laguna’s melancholic eyes then tinge with a fierceness as he looks up at me.

“Yus, Daddeh. Wiww maek Daddeh pwoud ob Waguna.” He says looking up at me, and even with his mind haunted with heavy thoughts, he still loved his daddy, and craved praise. I then walk over to Jessibell, and see that the foals have finished nursing, with Sora laughably getting much less than Dopey for once, as she got the tit that I had squeezed a lot of the milk out over Laguna’s food. I then kneel down in front of her and the foals.

“You better not do any fucking thing until I get back, or I’ll make you eat your last babies, and then cut your damn legs off. We clear?” I bark at her. Her ears fall low and curled tight to the sides of her head in fear, as she shakes her head up and down in compliance. “Good.” I look over at Laguna as I walk towards the door. “Goodbye, bud, I love you and I’ll see you soon!” I tell him, haphazardly closing the door behind me. Unfortunately, instead of latching, the door slowly bows back out, letting the saferoom door just barely crack open, as the sound of the front door opening and closing can be heard.

Alright! There’s chapter 9! I have chapter 10 already mapped out, so expect to see that (hopefully) soon! I had a little fun with this chapter, and wanted to shout out Master Butcher (am im getting his/her name right?) and his comic Fluffy Farm. Seeing the fluffies distraught over their mane and tail being shaved off really inspired me to do this chaper!



Its the endgame.


Oh God the dumbass mare had better not hurt Laguna. I worry that her remaining childrens’ terror will snap her back to reality somehow and make her try to take revenge.


The decent thing to do.


Thanks! Didnt know how to do that.


Thanks for the shoutout.
I like the idea of Fluffies being shaved because it doesn’t actually harm them, but they’d still be sad about it, because the thing that makes them pretty, and I guess fluffy, would be taken away. And they probably wouldn’t properly comprehend that it’s going to grow back anyway.


YES, EXACTLY! Contrary to this story, I love psychological torment the most, especially when it doesn’t even have to harm the fluffy. The shaving is perfect, because they’re constantly reminded of their trauma regularly. When I read that comic, I was on some highlander shit, where instead of shouting “there can only be one!” It was “ Finally! Inspiration!”

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