Look for ideas: Fluffy Jobs!

I’ve got a human who can do that. He’s a shapeshifter. His fluffy form is perfect for gathering information from fluffies who don’t trust humans.


How about helping on a farm as chicken herders? They could collect eggs and feed the chickens and also alert the farmer if a predator comes near.


Cool! But he can’t do every undercover job, can he? If you need someone undercover at three different places at the same time, you know? Or someone has a DNA checker (or something) that can get around his ability to change shapes?

There was an old Marvel writer that said limitations on heroes makes for creativity. I hear that a lot from other creators.


I’ve seen stories of fluffies being employed as lawn trimmers. Food for them, a trimmed lawn for the customer, everyone wins.


That’s been one of my concerns about them as a direct support animal, honesly. Great read - than you for such an in-depth post!

I like the primary school idea a lot.


This maybe a very, very niche job but a paper theater actor. Kamishibai is storytelling form that’s involves a narrator providing voices and sound effects to usually a folktale or children’s story with sequential painted panels. What i can see is a revival of the art by adding fluffies to act out the dialogue portion in costume while the narrator provides the background.


Oh yeah, I know that. I make an effort to resolve conflicts in different ways, instead of just having the characters solve every problem with brute force like a bunch of idiot meatheads. What do you think I’m writing, Dragon Ball Z? It’s become a major theme of my stories that raw power can only take you so far. That one’s human qualities are what’s important, no matter how powerful you may be.

Cal’s the strongest human alive in my headcanon, but even he has weaknesses. Slap a power dampener on him, and he’s basically a normo. Adamantium can pierce right through his defences, even with his power. And he’s not the strongest being in all of existence. There is always a bigger fish, and you should never assume that it’s you. That’s another major theme of my stories.


Ooo I definitely have a few ideas for this

Hospital attendants: mostly to deliver small packages of medicine or bottles of water to patients so that the nurses can focus on more important stuff.

Car cleaner: coat some fluffies in soap and let them play on a car, boom, cheap car wash

Farming assistant: for crops that require more delicate work, perhaps a fluffy could keep small pests away or help plant seeds

Room service: similar to hospital attendants, but just for room service


What about fluffalos being used to help with farm work? Like, plowing and spreading seeds. I’ve had it in mind but I don’t have the mental capacity to draw it.


Oooo that hospital idea sounds great with a little nurse hat on top their heads. I can see painted or fenced lanes for them to trot along so not to get underfoot the staff. Definitely for a low intensity ward. Great for a kids ward, especially for ones that maybe scared or nervous of doctors.


Wait, I just said farmwork fuck sorry-


Heh… that’d be hilarious. I could see Goku and Vegeta shit-edits of them powering up, screaming BIGGEST POOPIES! That said: shonen is pretty different in themes than super-hero stuff.

So, yeah, if your shape shifter can’t do all the undercover work at once or is taken out of the equation somehow, could your fluffies take some jobs as “normal” fluffies to do some of it? What would they do? Something ordinary where they won’t stand out.


Sea fluffies gathering trash from the ocean and/or regular fluffies gathering trash from parks.

Golf ball finders at local golf courses.

Drug sniffing fluffies. Their sense of smell is their only strong sense.


Reminds me of something Carpdime did. I’ll have to reupload it soon.

Paging for @emotionalsupportfluffy !!

@RQ also did something to that effect, primarily with Gerald. This idea of fluffies being used as a comfort for children who were the victim of such cases was the inspiration for the character of Princess Sprinkles in my story Policefluffs: https://fluffy-community.com/t/geralds-tale-by-rq/13020

Also in Policefluffs, I had a fluffy named Buddy who was trained to live with dogs and can manage dogs to a certain degree.

That said, Policefluffs is set in a more futuristic cyberpunk setting, so it would be a bit different from what you’re looking for.

Speaking of which - the character of Carlos is a polcie fluffy designed to be a drug sniffer

Yehdoo did that. It was the main story of Sound steps: https://fluffy-community.com/t/sound-steps-artist-yehdoo-fluffybooru-id-50659-50690-50695-50771/7407

Racing fluffies are a fun idea! Not enough people do them: https://fluffy-community.com/t/racing-fluffies-artist-waggytail-fluffybooru-id-23250-23251-23256/5041


@Chikahiro Lately on the fluffcast people had ben talking about fluffies being potentially anal about tabletop games, and Marcusmaximus had draw some fluffies playing a very simplistic version of D&D. I could imagine fluffies being able to play simple card or rabletop games with kids - fluffies and gaming feels like something to explore.

I also think that there should be some exploration into the kind of teaching roles fluffies can provide, especially to foals - its something I have attempted to illustrate in my own tribute series to Avocado.


Newspaper Delivery Fluff: They could have a little wagon and take them up to the front door and drop them off.

Crosswalk Fluff: They could have a little flag and act as an escort to people crossing a quiet road in a neighborhood. Nothing with a lot of traffic, just an occasional car.


Special victim support for children.
Do to their child like mentality and semi trainable they can easily talk to abuse child victims


Well if you train them well enough they could probably maintain a small vegetable garden…


I wonder where you have ever gotten that idea…:joy:


Drug sniffing fluffies. Police could use them.

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No I meant like a fluffy could be sent out to find huge herds and try to alert their owners that a huge group is approaching