Maple is no longer taking requests! (again!)

Doing this again, I’d like to write some more sadbox and abuse but god I’m so bad at coming up with the ideas.

No promises as to when I’ll be doing them, depends on how much I vibe with the idea.

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A fluffy gets slowly flattened by an automated rolling pin.


A fluffy family having a tragic, somber trek through a wintry forest

A fluffy struggles to come to understand their owner’s diagnosis with a terminal illness while still attempting to provide support and coming to realize that huggies and love cannot fix everything.


A fluffy family tries to survive a cold winter night trying to save their daddeh, a homeless old man

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A family of pegasi try to prove their dummeh mummeh wrong and show her that they can fly. Tragedy ensues.

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a herd leader trying to figure out which 2 twin foals that are the same color as him should be bestest babbeh


A dysfunctional herd faces chaos until a new Smarty is elected - a mare. She does a good job and garners support from even the fiercest of doubters. The herd improves until one day, another nearby herd…

Chaos ensues, mare
Is deposed. So many possibilities…

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What about the Fluffy being used for a test subject on how to code minds, what makes them tick.

Here you go! Not exactly a family of pegasus, but I think I riffed on the idea well.

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Thanks for taking my suggestion! Good story too!

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hey, thanks for making me write possibly the saddest shit I’ve ever made. Enjoy.

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…I came up with the prompt because I thought it would be interesting.

I am now kiiinda just short of tears.

Goddamn you hit that out of the park and right into the feels.

Yeah I was straight up fucking crying not gonna lie. It was a fun write, thanks for suggesting!

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Two for one here, for @recreationalsadist and @rfrotiree

Here you go, a continuation of the last one I did.

Realized part way through writing this id stepped away from your request a little, but here you go.

A fluffy gets accidentally killed by a small child for hugging it wrong or picking it up the wrong way. Or something