Meet Paprika (Gal-With-Pastels)

Cute babbeh,I love the way you do eyes.

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Sooo cute and chonky *snuggle

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thank you so much. i plan on making some more art of her

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Very cute, and great style!
Not to mention, I am always happy to see fluffies named after herbs and spices.

Welcome to The FC! It’s always nice to see new people join our strange little community. You are a really fantastic artist! I absolutely love Paprika, she’s super adorable. I always love seeing poopie fluffies getting loved and cared for.

Cooo!..ehr…aw! such a cutie! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So that explains why there was a demon in my house at 1am when my fluffy whined for sketti?

Off coursh.

Was paprika adopted from the streets, a store, or did she already have a home and was given away?

she was adopted from a store than took in her mother and siblings ( Her mother was the worst , so was her’ bestest’ sister. but her other sister and brother cared for paprika.)

Thank you for responding. Just to clarify, mom and siblings are still in the store?

they’ve been adopted

Gotcha. Thank you

I enjoy your art. I am glad you joined, and posted. You enrich the community.

aww thank you

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I still have to write a story about that fluffy you adopted to me, Truffle. I will try to try to write a hug-box.

ok, in the furure you can use any box you like

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I like the idea of passing the same fluffy around to different authors and artists. Like Truffle has a story with me, maybe escapes and finds you, or another artist. We pass the fluffy until its eventually dead.


@SilverOwl and @Gal-with-pastels

I’d get in on this character pass around. Could be fun!