Mejod mammah (Artist: Osaka [me] )

This is actually Portuguese, for what it’s worth, not Spanish.


ctm xD


It’s spanish dude lol

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As a spanish native speaker and some one that speaks english in a decent level, i have to say this fluffspeak is bad, i think it tries to much to be similar to the english one, but the end result is just not very pleasant to read.

Amigo, creo que debiste haberte apegado a los problemas del habla que tiene los niños en este idioma, como problemas de pronunciacion de la r y l, acortar las palabras o repetir una silaba en vez de decir la palabra correctamente (ejemplo abuelo=abubu). El habla es el unico problema que tengo con este comic, el dibujo es bueno y siempre es agradable ver otro enfoque en los poopie fluffies. Sigue con el buen trabajo rey

esa forma de escribir del autor es la que estamos manejando en el grupo “fluffyposteo español” en facebook, creo que todos los del grupo ya se acostumbraron a escribir de esa forma


mama love babies, babies love mama.

biggest poopies coming.

all are best babies, mama love all.

heaven’s special friend, babies are coming, avocado will be best father.

more biggest poopies.

how is new baby.

look this baby is a good color, is a surprise.

no, no I dont want pretty fluffy baby, those give worst heart ouchies.

pretty baby wil have forever sleepies and I will be the best mother.

special friend?.


best mama love best baby and pretty baby.

hugs babys.

mama will be best mama and not give hurt ouchies, mama love babies and babies love mama.


At last! A Mummeh with a conscience.

The birth stuff is pretty graphic and I’ve got to wonder what poor stuff they put special friend through? And how he’s still able to go foraging for food


Its spanish xD

haha. I was going by the Hs in “amigha” since I know Portuguese has some of those types of differences from Spanish… but then I looked up “Friend” in Portuguese… and it’s “amiga”. SHOWS WHAT I KNOW

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Hm, bueno, sera, al igual que uno se acostumbra al fluffyspeak, me tendre que acostumbrar al fluffyposteo español

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Its good she remembers how her mom treated her and dont that to happen to her own foal, thats a good mummah right there :+1:


[Statue Of Liberty poem sung by a choir plays]

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Que no les pase nada malo.

Hendes såre gode ven virker ganske forhærdet

Profunda psicología y pensamientos para un Fluffy, esos evolucionaron al parecer