Micro Munchkins! (By: Tino)

I imagine small enough to fit in a happy meal without taking up a lotta space,
Got more info here tho! Boopco Branded MICRO Munchkin Fluffys (by Booperino) - #14 by FallenAngel007

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I kinda imagined them to be the same size as an actual MLP toy.

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Give them a really saccharine death phrase?

“Going forever sweepies now, bye bye !”

Something like that ?

“Fwuffy wuv ou, gonna go real long sleepies nao, please put fwuffy in nice comfy wed bin! Bye bye!”


Maybe they have different death phrases a micro fluffy “chooses” from when it kicks the bucket.


That honestly sounds pretty funny. Ranging from a simple ‘goodnight’ to a weirdly long winded speech that they croak before finishing or something xD

A very chirpy high pitched “bye bye goodnight!” and then it keels over ?

( thats three phrases now )

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Essentially xD
Sometime they pip off some kind of reminder to maybe recycle them instead of throwing them straight into the trash or something (regardless of if they’re ACTUALLY recycleable)

“Pingo fwuffy am foweba sweepies now dont fowget to wecycle !”
Something like that ?

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Basically xD

Fluffy singularity. :slight_smile:

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Very chirpy and cheerfull even in death.
Got a feeling this is what Hasbio wanted fluffies to be in the first place small cheap “living toys” that would kark it after a set period of time so they parents have to buy a new one .

zim voice …INGENIOUS !

…or insidious …probably both.


He might well be infinitely dense.


Density power also explains the strength despite the small size. :slight_smile:

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Nah, that’s just the stupidity built into the system. There’s no hard science behind Napoleon aside from cartoon physics (if its funny its doable).

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Lol what i had in mind for boopco munchkin were they just stop moving and stay rigid in the last position they were like mid sentence or mid movement

But i honestly like the idea of them having a “Nu be saddies, fwuffy go sweepie to skettywand. Thankie foh tweatin boopco munchkin fwuffy wit huggies an wub”
Of course can go crazy and have them also say “Pweaase wemembah to buwy fwuffy wit boopco bwanded munchkoffin, boopco, thewe was an attemp! dies

That makes me wonder if they would have a programed ritual of, not grievance, since they dont feel sad, but a simple “Your munchkin is dead after its lil speech, other boopco munchkins give it a last huggy with a smile” :thinking:

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I see what you did there

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Oooooh I super dig that, just a simple sort of ‘goodbye’ ritual in a sense,
But my god the idea of a munchkin being mid sentence and then just going bONK and dying like some wind up toy is fucking gold too. XD

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