Miwkie Thief (KerosineCannibal)

Very cute comic. I love stories of good parent fluffies.


Now thats a good farther.

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Good parents


Could have been the mother’s bestest before she passed or what not and received more milk resulting in quicker development or it was from a earlier brood or hell could have been adopted. Either way good catch i didn’t catch that on my first read through.

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It is always heart warming to see good fluffy daddeh. Rare sight.
He must be smarter than average to figure out he can use the moo-moo fwiend.

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Hey, I didn’t know. I’ve never owned one.

same tbh but I know that if you shoot one while hunting hogs, or while on a qualifying range, your bank account will hurt

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Maybe an adopted one? It never was clear what happened to the mother


According to the US government the official value of adult and healthy human life is between 1.5 and 7.5 million dollars. This is the benchmark value for payouts regarding deaths caused by negligence, though feasibility and degree of fault (read: judge’s personal politics) drives the price way down.

In terms of how much a life is worth when the government foots the bill, a mere 10% of that. Which matches in practice how much judges tend to hold companies accountable, making it effectively the “true value” of human life. Though for the sake of argument lets say this is how much a “cheap” human costs.

Cows cost between 2 and 5 thousand on average. The most valuable at 1.2 million.

So on the cheap side fifteen cheap cows are worth one human life, and an expensive human is worth one “best cow in the world” plus two cheap ones.

For comparison one Rolls-Royce is worth around twenty “expensive” humans or 187 cheap ones, and the yearly mortgage on a decent house in a decent place is worth one cheap human.

So shooting cattle rustlers is just good business.


That father must be quite clever, knowing that moo-moo friends dispense the milk!


Jesus Christ, you over analyzed this

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A good daddy


Aww…now im sad.


That was so heartwarming! The ending is bittersweet, but I just can’t get over how good it is to see the father managing to care of babies even without their mother. :heart:


That’s what I do. Its what keeps me engaged in any fiction.


Yuuus :grin:

The way you draw fluffiest really makes them so cute. I love how you show a good dad and the mom missing, instead of the usual other way around


I guarantee that cow has had worse.

man, dad stuff always get me right in the feels :cry:

my soft heart is rooting for this good daddy and his little family :heart:


Paraguay. Final answer.