Yeah, that also puzzled me aswell. Moreover, he never even bothered to correct her on the foal’s sex. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice… dude you probably shouldn’t let him close to her after she literally castrated her own son. You were kind of asking for it. She might be dumber than a bag of bricks, but you are worse.
Totally agree.
As someone who isn’t fond of all the rape that shows up? I’m all for the hellgremlin tag getting used more often.
Gotta question. How the hell does it know he’s a colt? He was a single child right? I mean he has his mother but still. Is it the programming?
That colt is fucked. Proper fucked.
General consensus is that fluffies are programmed with language and concepts built in, hence the consistency of terminology and behavior.
I understand that but it’s kinda terrifying how quick they grow, learn, talk understand some context and not. I want to tear their mind apart to know how they know. Something other then the programming must be at work here. Like I’m not crazy if it was born alone with little to no interaction will it still just know without anyone teaching it. If so I now fear the fluffys
They’re fuzzy horse-pig creatures the size of a fat housecat, endowed with human (child) levels of intelligence and speech, something no natural creature possesses besides humans. And then they’re legally regarded as toys, not living beings. The whole concept of fluffies is horrifying on some level.
Hmm I kinda feel inspired to write a short story now thanks Swindle about a man having a break down over fluffys but everyone else seems fine with it.