My Beloved Sweetpea - Chapter 3 by Nosies


By Nosies

You are Sweetpea, and you are the luckiest fluffy in the whole world. Your daddy rescued you from a bad place and took you to his beautiful home, and he’s already got a fully furnished safe room ready for you. The walls are a rosy pink, and the floor is softer than anything else you’ve ever felt beneath your baby hooves. There are so many colorful toys, more than you could possibly count, and the magnitude of your good fortune overwhelms you. You stare in wonder, amazed.

“Do you like it, Sweetpea?” Daddy kneels beside you and tousles your fur. You blink slowly at him, your recently opened eyes wide and glistening in the warm, ambient lighting.

“Swee-pee wub! Wub! Wub wub wub!” Your vocabulary is too limited to find a way to better express your gratitude, but you hope daddy understands.

Daddy laughs, and you love that sound. Your heart feels so full when he’s happy. All you ever want is to make him happy, forever. The feelings inside of you are too much for your little fluffy body. You rear up shakily on your haunches, giggling, and wave your front hooves in front of you.

Daddy’s smile grows even bigger. “Oh my, are you a dancie baby? What a pretty dancie baby!”

You cannot contain your excitement. You ARE dancing! You didn’t even know you could do that. And daddy loves it! You shake your little hooves as hard as you can, and daddy scoops you up into his arms and covers your face and tummy with kisses.

“My beloved Sweetpea,” he croons, and you suckle on your hoof while you study his face. You want to memorize every perfect detail of this man that has so entirely transformed your life.

“I’m so glad I got you away from your bad momma before she ruined you…”

When he trails off, his face falls. His gaze grows distant. You used to think your mother was wonderful, but she never showered you with affection or gave you even one toy, like your daddy. He sighs deeply before he continues.

“I just wonder about your family, out there, somewhere. Did you have any brothers or sisters?”

You nod eagerly.

“I should go back and look for them, don’t you think?”

You are stunned by your daddy’s thoughtfulness and compassion. You squeeze yourself against his chest as tightly as you can and press kisses into the curly hair at the base of his neck. “Swee-pee wub ‘ou,” you repeat, “Bestest daddeh!”

Daddy opens his mouth to say something, but your tummy interrupts him with a loud gurgle. He grins. “Ah, all that dancing must’ve made you hungry, huh?”

“Swee-pee so hungwy,” you agree.

“Okay. Lunch first, then we’ll worry about rescuing your siblings,” he decides wisely, and you nod emphatically.

Every time you think your heart cannot hold anymore joy, your daddy finds a way to make it grow to fit even more! You can’t stop wagging your stubby tail fluff.

“Wub bestest daddeh aww fowebahs!” You cheer as daddy carries you towards the kitchen.



This is sweet but dude is absolutely up to some freak shit.


Here’s chapter 4: My Beloved Sweetpea - Chapter 4 by Nosies

A Dancie Babbeh fancier, because of course he is :frowning_face:

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