Neon Guts (AMDk7)

This is @SqueakyFriend 's Sweeth tooth, who is way way too thrilled about having her guts spill out and having them be candy she can devour.

This is technically gift art I never uploaded, and i decided to color it
I did not expect the results to be so …neon.

So technically it Fits Goretober day 4 then.

Probably the only prompts i’ll follow.


Hahaha that reaction, her insides exploded and she’s like “Jackpot!!”

Never change, Sweet Tooth. And thank you so much for the gift art!


Well I kinda wanted her to go “WHOOOOO !!!”
Glad you like it though, it was in response to the Rambo you drew for me.
Its been months but I haven’t forgotten.

And with neon and candy gore prompts I felt now was the time to get off my lazy arse and color it.

The colors are really well done on this, love it

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I don’t really color that often, it’s time consuming.

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Really? It’s very well done, although I can see how time consuming it could get

I prefer black and white or very stark contrasts like what I did with Gluestick.

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Can’t beat good ol black and white tbh

Glue stick

…uh ignore the comments on that one.

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It’s kind of a piñata fluffy! :smiley: Happy to see how others take it’s guts

…Great now I am imagining other fluffies playing in and with her guttiwuts.

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Imagine her getting protective over them, going “nu! dese Sweet Tooth’s nummies!” (and the confused horror of whatever fluffy was just trying to help her).

Poor Rambo traumatized for life.

still fitting for goretober

Yeah but i don’t really do those prompt things, I don’t have the discipline.

Those comments were certainly… Something.

Great drawing though dude

I think the term you are looking for is batshit insane.

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Perfect description of the comments

Well I did go along with it so i have to shoulder some blame.

So does this count as neon and candy gore ?