No Smell Pretty [By BFM101]

My heart :broken_heart::pleading_face:


There are very few stories, comics or any media about fluffies that actually make me feel empathy for them…I’m not exactly sure why I feel such joy for There suffering but I do. This story actually made me feel bad for the mummah. I always enjoy your works


That was really good and sad and the owner was competent


Rarer than an alicorn!

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I NEED a part 2! Where they give Raven a funeral and bury him in the yard, where Bumble goes to visit him often and tell him all about how his siblings are doing. And the healthy babbehs grow up knowing about Raven, Mummah’s widdle babbeh who had the worstest heart hurties


I have to agree with @Skrelptastic here…you have to be a real pushover to let a fluffy of all things scream over you.

Let her calm down a bit so they can both discuss things civilly.

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And not just that, how bad is it for a fluffy to know more and have better understanding of things than you, a human person.


Im not crying. Its juat raining on my face

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I loved how Bumble tried so hard to give Raven as much love as their siblings despite her instincts blaring at her that there was something wrong with the foal. That fact that her and Anthony basically got into an argument due to the inherent limitations of a Fluffy’s ability to communicate properly with humans was a good set-up for the tear-jerker that was the ending.

Well done, good sir, well done.

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