Ode to Bestest Babbeh 3 [ by Milky ]

Fair enough! I think the bad upbringing brought about the attitude. The status quo Lemonade was used to never EVER suggested she should expect anything else, so when that status quo is upset? Well, there’s going to be a strong reaction. Beg, whine, blame, get violent, get sad, etc. She’s being disappointed and the human mama is trying to impose rules when it’s really well and too late to do things easily.

Lemonade did choose her reaction to a point, absolutely. Yelling and blaming weren’t the only options. “No wub fwuffy?” was quite possible, among others.



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This just in, local woman doesnt learn lesson
I love that your human protag is a dumb cunt, but dhes a realistic dumb cunt

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she’s a believable dumb cunt. I have yet to name her, so now she is Karen.