Petition to add horrorbox group.

Not to bad a description. I do think horrific monsters can also be abuse creatures, and the feeling of horror can apply to some abuse works.

That said, I agree that horror should apply elements of suspense and tenseness. The horror creature should also be one thats hardly understood - when its all too well understood, then it stops becoming horror and becomes straight abuse.

It’s about fluffies trying their best to not be found by those monsters who creep through the house in search of them.

While I don’t disagree with this definition, I feel that it can also apply to sadbox and abuse. I think horror needs to show how the monster can also be a threat to other beings like humans (hence really making it horror), and yet, somehow tie it back to fluffies (otherwise it becomes content that looks like it could do better without fluffies)

I like the toy castle example because the monsters in it were vaguely fluffy, but also were mysterious “not fluffy” enough. And a lot of it is questioning “how did this castle come to be”?


The threat to humans part I I argee with. It shows nothing is safe from the monster.