Poopeh Daddeh (SmartHater)

You are Brian a brown pegasus, you have had for the last Forever ( only two months) the worstest hurties and saddies. After your Daddeh decided that you were a bad fluffy for having a bestest he no longer loved you, he strapped you to a meanie thing that made you no longer being ableto run and play and that was horrible.
And as if that wasn’t horrible enough the only way you could get food fast was that your bestest babbeh had to push a button to give your hurties and she… she did it and loved it, she gave you hurties to your see place, took your blanket and made you eat poopies.

The days have gone trough the last month the same way as that days eachtime your Daddeh got to this place with a plate of nummies and he had said that you would get your nummies later but could get it now if bestest pushed the button , it always was the same bestest not being able to wait pushed the button each and everytime, sometimes you remember seeing her push the button even tough she wasn’t angry thoses days she pushed it while looking at you with an evil smile on her face. Then after Daddeh gave you your bowl of kibble she pooped into your bowl of kibble you. You had to num them you didn’t want to go forever sleepy. Those days it feels like the only thing you says are this:
Your vocabulary really didn’t expand over thoses few words.
Bestest was now a big fluffy everyday she said that she wanted babbehs, she always gave your hurties when she was annoyed or when she was bored but those hurties onyl worsened after she started wanting babies. You wondered where was your special friend or your other babies where you missed them you wanted their huggies.
-“Okay listen up you bitch,” Your daddeh says, you haven’t seen him standing this long in front of you since the last two months. Bestest listen silently after Daddeh gave her the sorry-stick once she didn’t wanted to defy him again.
-“As you know fluffies have each a no-no place to have babies, stallions have their no-no stick and female their no-no place, and to play with babies you need your legs and fluff. So i give you the choice bestest if you says yes i will takes your Daddeh wingies, legs and special wumps but in exchange you will have babbehs so wat do you says”
You froze, you haven’t been any scared more in your life, you were so scared, so scared, you didn’t want to your your weggies , your fwuff or your speciaw wumps, you were scared of your bestest, those two months proved to you that she was a bad babbeh the worstest babbehs of all time. You tried to plead.
-“Otay tak poopeh fwuffy weggies and speciaw wumps.” She cut you off
Your hopes got broken in an instant, you screamed and screamed
-"Geez shut up " Your Daddeh says as he gagged you “It’s gonna be over in an instant” He says as he grab a teethed knife
Suddenly you feel in your leggies the most horrible pain as daddeh cut your front leggies, you faint but Daddeh uses smelling salts to keep you away the’re no escape out of this hell. All the while your bestest looks at you with glee and happiness in her eyes. He finally cut the bone as slowly as possible and after moved in your other leggies the pain worst that ever, after he’s finished he slaps you to make you stop screaming and at the same time taking off your gag. You looks at your Weggies in despair you always loved them you loved running and playing but now they’re gone just like that.
-"Weggies!!! NU…NU…Nuuuuu…huuuuhhuuuuhuhuuuu"You sobs
-“Don’t fret this pain is far from over” Your Daddeh says sadistically as he brings a lighter into your back
-“Nu pwease Daddeh nu wan…” You pleads you voice already exhausted from screaming so much
He brings the lighter to your wumps and you no-no stick as pain takes you over you feel your wumps sizzle and crackle the blood boiling inside, as he brings it closer to your wumps
After the deed is over Daddeh throw water onto your wumps calming the pain.
-"Nao pwease giv babbehs your bestest says after having enough fun outof your suffering
-“Sure just this ways you’ll meet your siblings and they will guide you to your new special friend” Daddeh says kindly
-“Fank yu Daddeh” She happily says not even looking at you as your Daddeh put a screen infront of you.
-“So in the end Brian you did the same mistake as your mother”
-“Mummah…” You says,you’ve never met her but seeing your special friend always made you think that she was like her a kind mother, you’ve only seen her in photo.
The screen light flashed and you see an image or your mummah singing hugging your siblings but you don’t see yourself you look around and you spot a pile of poopies in the litterbox and under it is you as a babbeh
-“Wai mummmah giv Bwian bad poopies” you ask were you a bad babbeh when you were young
-“Bacause you were bron brown or poopies in your language you see fluffies think or the brown one as the same as crap and so they will take any chance to abuse or kill those of bad color and they will have a bestest just like your mummah, i sold your other siblings before your mother ruined them and killed your mother but i pitied you so i kept you around raised you to be better but you’ve made the same mistake as her but your other siblins don’t have bestest and loved all babbehs as i’ve heard”.
You can’t believe it, you’ve always believed yourself to be a good fluffy loved since your birth but you were hated by your mummah because she preferred other colors and not only that you’ve made the same mistake you remembered the babbehs that you’ve bestest hurt how they cried and how you codly ignored them. You regretted it now and wished to says sorry but you knew that you didn’t deserved it, that you were the worst fluffy of all, your bestest was like that because of you, you’ve ruined her.
As all that sink in your Daddeh stab you with a needle and you starts to drift off to sleep, the last thing you hear is :
-"Pwease no huwties no huwties!!!Bestest Babbeh sowwy!!! Pwease babbeh am su sowwwwwwwyyyyyyy!!!


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Sorry i forgot while writing the story


Good story. It was fun if a little quick near the end.

Try to proofread for punctuation before posting. It also helps to put space between paragraphs to make it visually easier.

Personally I would have released poopie after the bestest agreed to pillow him and tell him he could keep his legs if he killed his bestest.




I can’t wait for bestest to end up like her daddy. It’ll happen. We know it will.

I almost wish their owner had made her have Brian’s foals as punishment, but this is just as good.


They’re gonna be a part 4, it will be be after a timeskip where we see where brian and bestest are at after the incident.

By the way i forgot to say it but it’s part 3

Thanks for the advice. :blush:


I want to see Brain Kill Bestest. a good way to rectify a mistake.

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I honestly do not want bestest to suffer. Cruel fluffies make for good fluffy on fluffy abuse. Daddy was a poopy anyway who reaped what he sowed, and deserved all of it.

What may have been funny though but controversial, is if the human gaslit the bestest into thinking only her daddy existed as the only Stallion around to give her babies, just to break his mind further.


Skill issue. Brian should’ve just tried not being a poopie fluffy.

Good story. Short, brutal, and no justice. Just like a fluffy life :slight_smile:


Here’s part 4