It’s death will be quick and painless… probably. That’s the best one can give.
Awww poor baby, id want to give him a good life, probably name him something nice like oak or spruce, definitely deserves an opportunity to be happy even if it doesnt last long
I’m just gonna pretend this Fluffy gets adopted by a guy who likes natural horse colours and completely wrecks the shit out of the rest of it’s herd
Oh ok. Then yes still because this fluffy needs happiness in its life.
But yes this story was written well and the art is great.
One thing I never quite understood about all the poopie babeh bias and refusal to feed by the mother - how does the chirpy even make past the first 24 hours?
Newborns need feeding every 2-4 hrs and even 1 missed feeding can potentially kill a newborn, so despite being kicked off the teat and denied miwkies at every opportunity, they’re still miraculously fed often enough to make it to the weaning phase, where they can subsist off poop.
From real life examples, neglected babies are much more quieter than their normal counterparts, as they’ve learnt that crying gets them nothing.
In humans, this isn’t detrimental as the care-givers know that the baby still needs to be fed.
A fluffy mother isn’t going to have that same knowledge (or willingness) that a poopie babeh must be fed, so when the poopie chirpy babeh is too tired to cry or move to steal miwkies, it just starves to death.
The power of plot advancement j/k
But seriously you bring up a good point. It’s mostly assumed that the chirpy eat shit to keep itself alive, but shit isn’t that soft enough for a foal that just literally came out of the womb to consume.
The mother may actually feed the baby just enough to survive figuring she can use the poopie baby as either emergency food in case of dire time or as some kind of bargaining chip within the herd for better food, shetler, or status. However that kind of dedication to something you don’t like just on the offshoot that they have a use in the future seem so bizarre to me.
For my sanity I’m gonna only believe the ending on the left side of my screen lol. Also is thier any lore explaining how a poopie fluffy can live off shit and piss into adult hood without dying? I assume they mostly die faster due to infection and abuse from sorry hoodies.
I haven’t really thought about it much before, but the more I do, the more ideas come to mind!
Option 1 is that it’ll either crawl to the mother to feed on milk and either get kicked/carried away, or get lucky and reach her when she’s sleeping.
Option 2 is she gives in and feeds it a little just to make it shut up for a short period of time because maternal instinct nags at her to feed a baby in distress even if it is a poopie.
Option 3 she gets the bright idea to keep the poopie as ‘poopie nummer’ to her nest area cleaner as it grows or as an emergency nummie when food gets harder to find, so she feeds it just enough to keep it alive until it’s necessary.
Option 4 is going along with the whole ‘fluffy shit still retains a majority of nutrients due to being poorly digested’ it literally could be like how baby koalas survive by eating their mom’s pap due to it containing important gut bacteria they need to survive eating their specialized diets. If we go down this route this might even mean that poopie babies could end up with marginally stronger digestive tracts than most other fluffies.
Otherwise I guess it’s sheer plot armor because the vast majority of poopie chirpies definitely die to infection, starvation, or exposure. Not sure! definitely a fun brainstorm though!
Another thing is that Stockholm syndrome is going strong in poopie babies. If you’re this badly mistreated, then why not run away? Animals and children have done so, for far less abuse.
Hell, fluffies themselves run away just for being told ‘no’ for babbehs or fear/threat of castration.
Good point!!
I have the idea that more than anything, the stories are always centered in the popo that if they manage to survive something, for me 99% of them die in the first 24 hours, but their stories are not told, because they are not interesting, most of these stories are of the most “lucky” that for questions of destiny manage to survive more time.
Goddamn hugbox, who said that poopie could have newspaper to lie in! not to mention he made it to adulthood if he makes it to talkie stage, quite frankly the mummah is a saint.
Needs food: Poop
Needs Shelter: Poop
Needs… Needs: Poop
Clues in the name he wont be happy unless his whole existence revolves around poop and getting huwties by those more pwetty then him.
Rejecting its own offspring because it is of an undesirable color. How very human of her
Feeling bad for him doesn’t make you a white knight, it makes you an empathetic human being
Well he got exactly what he deserved being that color. The tragedy though is that all fluffies don’t receive this treatment. It would be a nice ending to have him finally meet a human and it’s just some abuser that uses him for experiments
Just enough hope to continue suffering forever. Lovely.
Yeah i’m a filthy poopie-justice writer, whatever, let me take him!
Then those nasty "bestest"s would make some good ground meat for all the skettis i’ll feed him. I’ll make the mare watch too.
Damn it, I feel sorry for the colt, but at the same time I understand that if he had been born with a different color, he would have behaved exactly like his mother. This is usually the case in many stories about a happy ending for poopy fluffy. Almost all fluffy ponies perceive hatred of their fellows because of the color of their fur as something ordinary, and fluffy pony poop don’t behave like that just because they have a bad color themselves.
Save the brown baby, kill the bad mummah.
i feel like jacking off a poopie foal wouldn’t help anything, it just makes you the weirdo