poopy mare (timewarp)

Hahaha that means punishment for the shitrat!


it means she will be kicked out of the house to be precise. it’s the same mare that stomped that poopie


I was thinking about it, is that the same mare or not. But I think you’re right.


This one looks new, can’t remember this one.

Assblast USA USA USA USA whoop whoop

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Oh lord the details in the face funny as hell
Well done

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well, at least she made the effort…
and got MOST of it in.

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She needs a backboard.

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holy fuck that’s got me rolling.

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I have a cat that poops like that.

It always bugs me when things like this are used to justify abuse. This is a good fluffy, it used the litterbox. The fact that this box is way to small for that fluffy isn’t the fluffy’s fault.

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Every time this strip comes up it still makes me laugh.

It still counts as good poopies