Potential for different kinds of pegasi

argentavis pegisi: dont get one, they’re too big.
seriously, they tend to overheat, they eat their own body weight daily (they weigh ~30 kilos), they knock shit over alot, it’s impossible to get stuff out of their fluff, they’re 4 feet tall, and they can litterally rock houses with their screams


Owls, Penguins?, Woodpecker, Toucans, Flamingos, Ducks, Ostriches, Emus, and Kiwis.


Holy fuck emu Pegasus!

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Chicken Pegasi… Duck Pegasi… Turkey Pegasi… Who wants to make a Fluffy Turducken?


I had more ideas so

Annoying as fuck seagull fluffs that are such dumbasses that they’ll try to snatch a fry from a human’s hand.

Duck fluffies with waterproof fur and feathers that float and value bread over sketties and make great snacks for crocs and big fish.

Bigger goose fluffies with a death wish and no fear, maybe mostly smarties that honk at people and try to attack before getting fucking punted.

Penguin Fluffies that are sleek and shiny and can tolerate cold that use their wings as rudders and can actually swim and hold their breath and not drown like complete idiots. Or they just look like penguins but are just regular fluffs with a diving instinct that’ll get them killed. Either way they’re probably good food for seals.

And really hyper micro hummingbird fluffs! Might not be able to fly but they’re pretty and sometimes vibrate themselves out of existence.


That’s only a third of a turducken, get the cow.

Oh god I have to draw those

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Hell yeah, I’m probably gonna do some myself!


I gotta draw these.

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Let’s see, a red golden pheasant one would be pretty.
Peacock, Lyra bird, would be pretty as well, but very loud.
California valley quail also pretty and loud, and tasty (have a lot of them where I live.)


If we’re gonna do this. Might as well go the full mile!
Micro Pegasi Fluffy => Mouse Fluffy => Chicken Pegasi => Duck Pegasi => Pheasant Pegasi => Turkey Pegasi => Pig Fluffy => Cow Fluffy => Shark Seafluffy => Whale => SeaFluffy


Dont forget the mouse and pheasant😁


Updated it to have them, plus more.

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I noticed haha, that a big sea fluffy if the whales going in it.

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Accident, Was suppose to be Whale SeaFluffy.

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No leave it, the image is funny😁

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With how messed up fluffy DNA is, all these breeds could be possible.


Chicken fluffy would be a fucking nightmare. Imagine, every morning you go to collect the eggs and the mother screams about you stealing her babies.


Me: I wonder what a White Bellbird sounds like.
Google: Video results!
Me: Oh ne… MY EARS!

no seriously holy shit this is loud.


see this topic

This reminds me of the time that PeppermintParchment did a hyacinth macaw pegasus