Prissy Ruins Christmas (Ace)

I don’t know if this is a regional or cultural thing, but the idea of having a little box of human ashes in one’s home instead of scattering or burying it is creepy as heck to me and most of my family think the same. My nan keeps her dog’s ashes, but not human ones.


It’s common in the US. When I was offered some of my mother’s ashes I was like what the fuck am I going to do with these? Imagine how many urns have just been chucked straight into the garbage when someone dies and there’s no relatives interested in them. Just go bury them or something.


According to Wikipedia, certain countries prohibit keeping human remains in a private residence.

If I’m cremated when I die, I want them to put my ashes in an hourglass.

At least that way, I’ll be making myself useful.

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Wait, so dog ashes are okay, but human ashes aren’t?

That sounds barking mad to me.

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In my family, most of the ashes are scattered or buried in a place that was significant to the individual in life, but before that’s done the next of kin give us in the extended family the option to put a small amount in a little bottle to wear as a necklace, just to keep our late loved one close.

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My grandfather is sitting in a postal box in our garage. Ashes are ashes. I try to leave offerings for pets, ect. Things they liked in life.


Oh yeah, gonna need to see Kathleen to snap.

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I cannot stand permissive owners of little shit fluffies. I’ve already seen the next chapter but I think even more extensive punishment is in order.


Unacceptable piece of shit (hell i think that’s an insult to the shit that’s how much i hate this particular fluffy). Edit: Oh fuck, hadn’t i didn’t read how she made the urn with her owner’s mother’s ashes fall off… OH NOW SHE CROSSED THE FUCKING LINE, she better suffer a fate worse thsn death because death would be too fast for her