PSA (Artist: OtherOtherCoraline)

Disclaimer, not all hugboxers


But hugboxers keep demand up. Without hugboxers there wouldn’t be the horrific breeding mills and pet shops and the dumb idiots would be left to go extinct :wink:


In my headcanon fluffies are an “invasive waste” or a sort of “apex prey”.

The reason they’ve caused so much ecological (and economic) damage is because they were designed to be immune to most of earth’s common pathogens. The problem was Hasbio cut corners and rather than have insane immune systems that shut everything down, the pathogens simply couldn’t infect fluffies.

This lead to fluffies being excellent carriers for a putulent miasma that spread across North America. They would ravage crops and breed like crazy, outpacing the local wildlife. Then predators (wolves, foxes, coyotes, etc) would kill in mass. Disease spreads and there are fluffy corpses in mass. These corpses invite carrion eaters and other disease-riddled vermin into the area. Diseased predators begin to die off contributing to the corpse/carrion problem. Continue cycle until many agricultural areas in America are decimated and much of the local wildlife and most of domestic animals (pets and breeding stock) have all but gone extinct.

Fluffies, through no fault of their own, have rightfully pissed off a LOT of people. There’s very few hugboxers, and the hugboxers who do exist tend to be more for the sake of virtue signaling. Not very many people actually like fluffies in my headcanon.

Hope that adds some context to my posts! :smiley:


This comic is completely fucking twisted and evil. You have that warm feeling of cuteness overload all mixed up with heart breaking loss and helplessness. I LOVE IT


I like this perspective, I share it as well

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Well I don’t. I kind of like Fox’s own thoughts that she mentioned to you here. I think fluffies are malleable enough that, just as there are some headcanons where they are outright unlikeable, there also some headcanons where they are incredibly likeable. I tend to lean towards the latter, as I think people get too caught up with the former.


I do agree with you, but for every event on this fandom, there is also an equal and opposite event also taking place (abuse v hugbox) everyone has their taste and I wont judge


One would hope, right? Also, not the biggest fan of: “Fluffies go into hug mode when reached out to.” Like, what?


Eh, needed a reason for a fluffy to not run in the rare instance it actually DIDN’T want a nyu mummah. I think even the most oblivious of hugboxers would take a fluffy running away as proof that they don’t want to be adopoted.


Oh no. My fluffies are meant to be likable. But horrible things happen to them anyways. My headcanon is all about the injustice of it all. Reverse karma and all that.


wait is that the same fluffy who got her legs torn off?

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Yeah. Henreitta and Angelica was a comic I had that spanned a few posts. I posted the finale when this site went up because I got hit during the ban wave from the booru, and a lot of people were waiting for the conclusion. Now that we have a new site I’m back at the beginning, posting in chronological order. Sorry for the confusion.


Because all the one use abuse foal things have absolutely no impact at ALL on the market. Nope, it’s ALL hugboxers. :roll_eyes:


Hence the winky face. Hugboxers are great.

This was just a comic about the scary truth that this type of thing happens in real life. There are instances (anecdotal) of people taking stray cats thinking they are doing a good deed when in reality they’ve stolen a mother away from her litter of kittens and have doomed the poor hopeless kittens :frowning:

As awful as it is, it humanizes fluffies a bit when we put them in situations that real animals face in the real world. That’s why we need hugboxers, to show us the happy when we hit a little too close to home.


May of your other comments suggest otherwise, but okay.

However, yes, this is a thing that happens in real life…but I feel it would be easier to tell if a fluffy has a family because they can actually talk to tell you.


Yeah, I had to make the human insanely obtuse. I can see it breaking the willing suspension of disbelief for a lot of people. But I’m no good at hugbox, and there are LOT of great hugbox contributors already doing awesome jobs, so I like to contribute to the site with sadbox. Even if my stuff isn’t awesome, I’m trying. And hopefully getting better with practice.


Wait how does THAT works? “Hugboxers” are the one increasing demands that create MORE fluffies, but there’s very FEW “hugboxers” anyway because the general populace got pissed by fluffies being disease carriers and would rather they DIE than live?

In regards to the drawing, I feel like the premise of this comic would have worked much better if you forgo the “hug mode” stuff. Like the limited nature of fluffspeak along with their clumsy movement should’ve been enough of a ‘hindrance’ that causes the misunderstanding.

Just have the fluffy accidentally fall backwards when he try to back away and the human misinterpreting that gesture as trying to “hug” while at the same time keep interrupting the fluffy’s attempt to keep explaining that he need to help his special friend in an I-know-better-than-you-do mindset. You know, things that can actually happen in real life if fluffies existed based on precedents with real life pets. Because otherwise the premise of this comic is “Hugboxers do more fluffy harm and damage than they realize… because of this thing I just made up

This feels like we’re going “backward” to the era when the community lost it’s damn mind and started making shit up like "when fluffy apologizes but not using it’s name, they are LYING" or “when fluffy cries in ‘huu huu’, they don’t actually feel sad but are actually trying to GUILT TRIP YOU”. Just the constant retcon of all the mundane act that fluffies do as something much more insidious than they should be.

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Wow. This post pushed some buttons for a few people. I never gotten so much malice for a post before.

“Huggie Pose” was one-off for this comic. I did this comic a while ago, and portraying a fluffy tripping over itself in a non-cringey way was beyond my ability. Maybe I’ll redo it once I get better.

My “hugboxers keep demand up” comment was in jest. Hence the winky face.

This comic was done as a reflection of the (sad) reality that people can cause harm when they think they are doing good. There are (anecdotal) stories of people “helping” a stray cat when in reality they just deprived the cat’s kittens of a mother and left the kittens to fend for themselves. This comic was meant to reflect that. But fluffies can speak, so I had to make the humans insanely obtuse and throw in a on-off “headcanon for this comic only” huggie-pose.

Hugboxers are taking this post as a personal attack (or non-hugboxers are feeling offended on behalf for hugboxers for a slight that doesn’t exist), which I think is wild. This is a comic about a specific situation where a hugboxer could be doing more damage than they realize. Not a blanket statement that “Hugboxers cause more suffering than abusers!”


I think it’s ironic how toxic and gate keeping some hugboxers can be since they’re supposed to be the “nicer” side of the fandom yet will be like the above on posts, picking every little thing apart. I thought it was a fun little tragedy in your comic.


You say that, but the reality is that abusers have had a similar history of toxicity and gatekeeping. If anything, the decline of the booru can be attributed to constant drama. I would point out that some excessive abusers have done hate art of hugbox or non-abuse OCs. The easiest way to look at it was the decline in collaborations and competitions on the booru, as people stopped being nicer to each other, with one of the last collab attempts, started by Squeakyfriend, being shitposted by GWN. (and I haven’t even gone into the discord drama that preceded the booru’s final demise)

I am of the opinion that ‘shaming’ any one side for their views is wrong. Some of us hate fluffies, sure, but some of us want happen to love them (myself included). And I think both sides should have ample space to air their opinions and likes.