Psychopathy - Part 09 - Parasitic Lifestyle - By Hornlarry (Booru ID 39971)

For the Empire Quapla’!

I would not say that basically my empathy for my own Species is Pretty high but true being raised mostly by my grandparents who lived true World War 2 my empathy for Animals is pretty low and for fluffys I think even lower


make him get raped in the ass and mouth. Stab him in non-lethal areas and fuck him in those wounds. deglove his hands and feet and dip them buckets of salt and lemon juice. Pour the salt in his eyes and rip out each of his teeth slowly one by one. Cut out his tongue and stitch his mouth shut and cover it with gorilla glue just to be safe.

Deglove his penis and balls. crush his balls slowly in a vice grip. stick a bunch of sewing needles all over his penis. Twist his nipples until they tear off. scoop out his eyes with a rusty spoon. shove toothpicks deep into his ears. Fill his empty eye sockets with hydrogen peroxide and then tiger balm. slowly cut off his dick with a rusty knife and shove it up his ass . shove sewing needles under each of his fingernails.

break his kneecaps and break his jaw. Cut him all over the rest of his body and rub dirt, feces, and urine over the wounds so they become infected. cut off his arms and legs with a handsaw and burn them. super glue one of his nostrils shut so it will be hard for him to breathe. Leave him to die cold and alone.

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I’m sensing that you do not like him


Please keep going on this story!! Please!!!


It was written a long time ago, for the Booru, but I can start posting the second season, which is a bit shorter, later tonight


Season two is up now link


Ah I beleve the verdict in the courts would be Jailed At Her Majesties Pleasure.

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Shouldn’t we? Does he have any redeeming quality that I’m missing? Because otherwise, I feel pretty justified.

I think it’s more of a “this guy might be as human as they come, but he acts in such a heinous way, he might aswell be part of another species entirely”. At some point, the question becomes: “should I do something about it?”
Even more so if someone is suffering because of that person. At least from my own perspective.
Personally, I actively avoid any chance of hurting others (I practiced boxe before the whole corona thing, always refused to do more than practice sparring), unless someone else is being harassed.

Yep. This is my case. Unless an abuse story has great writing behind it, I kind of brush them off as “uninteresting”. Either that or the abused fluffy did something to deserve the abuse (and even then my verdict is usually a quick death).

Tl;dr, I just heavily dislike abuser characters (and by extension, most abuse stories) because most are either schoolyard bullies who randomly turn into butchers of animals or untouchable psychopaths who for ‘x’ reason (usually shonen level plot armor or the evergreen “a toy company paid the entirety of the world to classify a living organism who has every reason to be under the voice animal as biotoy instead”, so that the author doesn’t have to come up with a reason why the abuser is never punched by a neighbor). While I wouldn’t wish death upon a bully, I surely wouldn’t be sad to hear a dude who acts like the series’ protagonist had died.


Holy crap this was insane

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That was the idea! Psychopathy has been described as the Mask of Sanity

Think you mixed up the two fluffies in the cooking scene, for half of it Brick was being cooked, the other half was Fauntleroy

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Wow, this has been one fucked up storyline. I thought he was getting his comeuppance, but then he woke up.

Or better yet, after doing all the things you mentioned, he could have his arms and legs removed, and then left to be eaten by feral fluffies. For irony’s sake.

Yeah, see, lacking empathy does not mean you have to be an axe-murdering lunatic. Most people with cluster B disorders or forms of autism which render empathy difficult (I don’t know if I count - I can tell when people feel bad, but can’t pick up subtleties of why without cognitively thinking it through or asking and I don’t tend to feel what they feel) still have sympathy, or at least some recognition that other people are a vital part of society. I know of one person who says they probably would have turned out to be a full-on sociopath if they didn’t have excellent parents; they feel no empathy at all, and use that to run a support group for abused/disabled/otherwise marginalised people because it means they don’t burn out emotionally like a neurotypical person would. People have plenty of empathy for them. This guy is just an entitled rich fuckwit and plenty of those are perfectly neurotypical and still deserve the worst. Jeffrey Epstein was neurotypical, as far as I know, and no one’s crying over him.


No, no, no! Why kill him and waste all that effort? Ellie shouldn’t have run away! If she could bear to hammer him, she could bear to hamstring him. Just render him unable to move, keep his hand and eye for opening fingerprint or retina scan locks/bank security, then live it up with his money while keeping him alive at least as long as he kept the fluffies alive. (@Hornlarry, do you mind if I write a followup? I have some characters from my teenage years burning a hole in my Googledocs who would do that.)


If you want to write a follow up feel free, although it’d be Inspired By, rather than Canon.

I think you’ve already read the brief follow up I wrote

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Yeah psychopaths are just people born with ASPD, and sociopaths are just people who acquired ASPD later in life.
Most of them aren’t going around torturing, raping, and/or murdering anyone (whether human or non-human animal).
A lot of them might come off as assholes because they don’t care if they hurt someone’s feelings, but they’re usually smart enough to know that committing violent crimes won’t benefit them. Especially psychopaths, who tend to be calmer than sociopaths. And most crimes commited by sociopaths are spur-of-the-moment rather than premeditated.

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What was this person diagnosed with?

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