Tbh I still use that word more than I should.
Recently met a younger friend that is helping me nip that in the bud.
It’s not pleasant but the story is exceptionally good.
and very heartwarming when it’s happy.
Yeah, I used to use it a bunch under the alibi that I was autistic, but I stopped a few months ago before it could be a regular word in my way of speaking-
I’ll check it out! What’s it called?
by @eirinym
Aye, thanks my dude! I’ll see ya later, thanks for showing me this!
Super well done, friend! Also Canonically gay fluffs are great. Love him
Aye! Thanks, I mainly like em since they stray from the hivemind of pre-programmed biotoys that just want to have babies, and because representation (when done right) is pretty fucking cool.
My favorite part of this is the rainbow outline. That’s an excellent touch.
Aye! It was originally just gonna be white, but I said fuck it, it’s cooler now-
If you wanna go the extra mile, animate it. I bet it’ll look siiiiiiiick.
I mean, I did just get procreate-
I’ll think on it :DD