Aww he is so cute and pretty! Who’s a pretty Boy?! You are! Yes, you are!
Bully is always the best solution.
Haha! Your fluffy friends think youre a girl! Or if they are able to understand, they think you’re trans! Good luck munching the litterbox, loser.
if this dosent fix the smarty issues put him in a leg restraint, spray him with female fluffy pheromones and let some ferals use him as an enfie pal
He’s lying! Pinch his balls until he can say his name properly
I think “she” needs the full transition treatment. Crotch boobs and neo vag and all
Turn the scrote into boobs. Then make fluffy explain where they came from.
“Petticoat discipline” allegedly actually was a form of punishment for children once (and probably still, just not common). Not a huge fan of the implication that femininity is shameful/lesser, but I guess it’s a punishment for the male victim thinking that since a non-misogynist wouldn’t be embarrassed. (In a fetish context, it’s different - lots of people have fetishes based on un-PC views they don’t actually hold.)
I know I took it as a punishment when, as a kid, my parents made me wear a dress. Not the same thing, but still. But still.
don’t be so sure… :v
Lots of girls do. I’m DFAB NB and I know I took skirt-wearing as intended to make me suffer, since it was mandatory school uniform in Yorkshire winters.
Oof, I remember those days. It doesn’t get as cold where I am, but skirts were still hell. I destroyed my knees more times than I remember, slipping on ice because we weren’t allowed to cover our legs. They’re scarred 35+ years later.
These days, I call myself genderqueer, and I live in T-shirts.
I say, Caruthers!
Ohh, same hat! I’m genderqueer/nonbinary/something and I’d live in my PJs if I could.
PJ’s are the ultimate clothes. They should be worn anywhere and everywhere.
Bit like the Mao Suit?
My jammies are all loose shorts and t-shirts, so not really.
More the idea of imposing them as general usage ( though the Mao Suit is quite comfy ).
Fair point. I’ve never worn a Mao suit. If it was lightweight cotton, I’d probably love it.
looked this up on google to see the history of it. don’t check the image section, big mistake!!