Punishment (InfraredTurbine)

Aww he is so cute and pretty! Who’s a pretty Boy?! You are! Yes, you are!


Bully is always the best solution.


Haha! Your fluffy friends think youre a girl! Or if they are able to understand, they think you’re trans! Good luck munching the litterbox, loser.

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if this dosent fix the smarty issues put him in a leg restraint, spray him with female fluffy pheromones and let some ferals use him as an enfie pal


He’s lying! Pinch his balls until he can say his name properly


I think “she” needs the full transition treatment. Crotch boobs and neo vag and all

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Turn the scrote into boobs. Then make fluffy explain where they came from.


“Petticoat discipline” allegedly actually was a form of punishment for children once (and probably still, just not common). Not a huge fan of the implication that femininity is shameful/lesser, but I guess it’s a punishment for the male victim thinking that since a non-misogynist wouldn’t be embarrassed. (In a fetish context, it’s different - lots of people have fetishes based on un-PC views they don’t actually hold.)


I know I took it as a punishment when, as a kid, my parents made me wear a dress. Not the same thing, but still. But still.

don’t be so sure… :v

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Lots of girls do. I’m DFAB NB and I know I took skirt-wearing as intended to make me suffer, since it was mandatory school uniform in Yorkshire winters.

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Oof, I remember those days. It doesn’t get as cold where I am, but skirts were still hell. I destroyed my knees more times than I remember, slipping on ice because we weren’t allowed to cover our legs. They’re scarred 35+ years later.

These days, I call myself genderqueer, and I live in T-shirts. :call_me_hand:


I say, Caruthers!

Ohh, same hat! I’m genderqueer/nonbinary/something and I’d live in my PJs if I could.

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PJ’s are the ultimate clothes. They should be worn anywhere and everywhere.


Bit like the Mao Suit? :smiling_imp:

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My jammies are all loose shorts and t-shirts, so not really.

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More the idea of imposing them as general usage ( though the Mao Suit is quite comfy ).

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Fair point. I’ve never worn a Mao suit. If it was lightweight cotton, I’d probably love it.

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looked this up on google to see the history of it. don’t check the image section, big mistake!!