

@Ethawesome923 I did a whole write-up about this. You can read it here: From MLP to Fluffy Pony or How Fluffy ponies came to be on 4chan's /co/ and /mlp/

@Harmful338 Actually, Mixxwermike posted with a name. He went by “fluffy”. You can see the post on the thread itself from almost ten years ago: /co/ - Comics & Cartoons


This was the first post of a fluffy pony. Ever:

It should be kept in mind that Mixxermike’s own concept of fluffy pony is “MLP but fluffier”. He wasn’t into the whole Hasbio and genetically-engineered thing.

Of course, there is the possibility that Mixxermiek may have been inspired by an earlier reaction that Megasweet did, which he posted to 4chan:

But thing is, and by this point, Megasweet was mostly posting to FiMchan, and with a tripfag. But there is a possibility he may have posted this to 4chan anonymously as well.

@Thk Your info is somewhat correct but not entirely.

The thing about ponies as pets was that it was an idea that predated fluffies. My little Dashie and Cartoonlion’s Futashy were heavily popular in 2011, and theyw ere pet pony concepts. One of the people who had an influence on early fluffy fiction was Gorodetsky, who had the idea that fluffies would be lobotomized or talk in a simialr way, based on a story he wrote previously.

That said, Fluffle Puff IS an evolution of Mixxermike’s original concept. So in that sense, FLuffle Puff is a fluffy pony, but a fluffy pony based on the idea of “fluffies are MLP but fluffier”.

If we’re talking about fluffies as “genetically engineered pets who are a neotenic version of MLP”, the first prson to put more effort into their depiction would be Art-Anon.

If Mixxermike created the general concept, then fluffies as we know them has to be attributed to Art-Anon, as he was the first to draw them playing with building blocks and the like:

Funniest thing is that its not even the longest thing I’ve written lmao.

While somewhat I’d true, I’d argue that the biology was already determined before the Fall of Cleveland, but what The Fall of Cleveland helped establish was fluffies as an “independent” idea.

Haha very funny claps once