Raincloud's Sketties [by Maple]

You are Raincloud! You are a grey and blue fluffy foal! It’s a wonderful day to be you!!

You are the bestest of your siblings, the smartest! So smart that, thanks to your nice sharp pointy in the middle of your forehead, you’re bringing nummies back to your mummah! She tells you all the time not to wander off alone, that you’re too little to be a nummie finder but what does she know? You’re pretty sure you’re smarter than even her! You’re SURE you’re better at finding nummies than your daddeh because today you found a whole bunch of them! They’re pretty and green and hanging from a long vine, you poked one down with your horn and it was full of very sweet water! You gobbled it up and stabbed another to bring back to them, even though you’re the smartest and the best at finding nummies you’re just a little too small to grab the whole bundle. Once they see it they’ll go get them for you and praise you! Your chest puffs up at the thought of your mummah calling you bestest as you dart into the storm drain your family calls home.

“Waincwoud am backsie!” You chriped, holding your head up proudly.

In the little nest of discarded fabric and paper your family lay, your siblings sitting up with your parents curled around them.

“Whewe gu? Mummah wowwied!” Your yellow sister Brightball asked.

“Gu fin’ nummies! Wike Daddeh!” You pointed with a hoof to his sleeping grey form.

“Daddeh fin’ sketties!!” Your green brother Bushy replied.

“Sketties?!” You looked around for them.

“Nu hab nu mowe. Mummah eat an maek bestest miwkies fo’ babbehs, den take nappie!” Your pink sister Petal replied.

You deflated a little bit. Fruit nummies were good, but sketti was the best! You thought they would be really proud of you, but you just couldn’t compare to that. “Oh… Waincwoud fin’ uddah nummies, fwutie nummies.” You scraped the oozing nummie off your pointy, letting it fall to the ground.

“Mummah be happeh to hab Waincwoud backsies when wakies!” Bushie said, yawning. “But nappies now.”

You nodded in agreement and went to settle in among your siblings. Your Mummah’s thick purple fluff was warm and inviting, after all the running and searching you did you were exhausted and fell asleep quickly.

The first thing you felt upon waking up was cold. Very cold. You shook yourself awake, wondering when it got so cold. You were still nestled in among your siblings, but there was no warmth.

“Mummah, Waincwoud cowd!” You chirped, nudging her with your hoof.

She felt weird, sort of… stiff? You pushed her harder, confused. Mummah was always soft.

“Mummah! Wakies!!” You shook her harder, as hard as your little hooves could manage but got no reply. She felt frozen!

And then you realized.

Mummah wasn’t breathing.

“Sumting… sumting wowng!!” You turned to your siblings to get one of them to help you but they were frozen as well, a small amount of drool leaking from each of their mouths. “Daddeh!!! Nee’ hewp!!” You clambored over their bodies, tears streaming down your face as you stumbled to the other side of the nest. Your heart nearly stopped as your hoof sunk into his cold fluff, he felt just like Mummah.

You slowly untangled yourself from your family, backing away. What was wrong? Why were they frozen?? What could you do?? You didn’t know, you were just a baby yourself! There must be something you could do, some way to wake them up. Who would know how to fix them?

A human!! A human would know!! Mummah always told you humans could be dangerous and not to go near them but you knew deep down in your heart there was a nice one out there, who could use their human magic to wake them up.

“Waincwoud gu fin’ hewp!!” You told them, and galloped out of the drain and into the street. You had done so good in the day looking for nummies, you were sure you could find a nice human.

The street was dark, which was scary, but you ran as fast as you could between the patches of light made by the street lights, looking all around for any human. It only took a little bit before you found one, wearing bright orange not-fluff and poking down an alley with a long stick.

“Nice mistah!!” You cried, running up to him. “Nee’ hewp!!”

“Oh? What’s wrong, little guy?” He asked, bending down.

“Famwy am sweepy, nu wakies! Sumting wong!!” You panted, sitting down in front of him.

“Well, that’s no good!” He knelt down and started digging through his pockets. “Lucky for you, I’m supposed to take care of all the fluffies in the city!”

A wave of relief washed over you. “Hewp famwy??”

“Of course, little guy! You’re so brave for coming all the way out here to get me!” He pulled out a can, and as he popped the lid your mouth began to water at the strong scent of tomato and herbs. “Why don’t we get you some sketti for being so brave, and then you can show me where your family is?”


Ahh haha… Awful poor little guy.


Thanks for all the great stories lately


Very well done.


nice! I have a brightball too. I should finish up that story and post it.

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He never stood a chance. I wonder how he goes out. Does the exterminator let him eat sgettis and drift off to sleep or does he get the heel of a boot after he lead the exterminator back to his dead family?