Rambo meets a Carnivorous Kappa (carniviousduck)


@AMDk7 hope you dont mind…


That is such a cute fluffy pose :heart: Those colored eyes may grow on me after all,haha.



I know Fluffies are abuse and anal focused, but a Kappa deathfisting is a fate a step beyond.


I’m sure he’ll be as pleased as Punch.


Well, hopefully that won’t happen. Maybe the fluffy will share it’s cucumbers with it.

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Yay, kappa!

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Look at him go! :smiley:

I don’t mind.
As long as it stays hugbox with Rambo
Abuse container ? I got Gluestick for that
He already lost a leggie Gluestick V2.3 Nu Mowe Huwties (AMDk7)

Apologies for the late ( and kinda flat ) reply.
Ive been and stil am sick.
Rambo looks great.

…Not sure I like the sound of that.
Rambo is only for huggies and wub.

Rambo’s eyes are always green ?
When I can be arsed to color that is.
( so not often then )


Daaaaaaamn look at that turtle duck fellow

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I was talking about CD’s style,he recently said he was going to maybe move away from the solid black teddy bear eyes and towards colored eyes, because they have more room for emotion.

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Course, i saw your attachment to rambo, i could bring gluestick into my fold if youd like…

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Japanese folklore is unique in how the civilization kept many lifestyles of the bronze age through the 1700’s through several sudden amazing technological evolutions.

The practice of middle class writers going through the backwoods to collect local customs and folklore happened when villages in sight of each other had totally different patron gods and myths of what lives in the woods. Couple that with being able to trace many myths straight back through Buddhism to Hinduism and the Imperial Chinese Zoo and you have some fascinating lore.

So Kappas are a creature a lot of Japan had myths on, and can be generally grouped into either being daytime boogymen to make kids behave or trickster spirits who are friends of humanity, though there is overlap in some versions and in the modern depictions.

The boogyman version is “don’t poop in our water source or go swimming in random places alone or a duck/turtle/monkey/foreigner will ANALLY FIST YOU UNTIL IT RIPS OUT YOUR FUCKING SOUL AND EATS IT you little brat”.

That said, in other myths Kappas also taught humanity manners so other spirits could befriend us, how to swim, how to make nets, can represent eloping or secret gay lovers, and are just kinda popular for kids cartoons the way you would use a dinosaur or rabbit. In “guy in a costume” shows they tend to be comedic foils and there’s a subsection of teratophilia of a Kappa woman hooking up with a younger man, and shows with a kid and a Kappa kid being friends.


I mean, the one in Animal Crossing isn’t going to sexually assault you until you are a comatose husk for getting too close to the river.

Because a lot of similar myths evolved from the Kappa one and the folklorists who catalogued the stories treated them like one creature people today group them into a lifecycle, or multiple cousin species. Enko are the ones most likely to kill, Shibaten are rapists who can impregnate women with half-Shibaten like Innsmouth citizens, Takiwaro migrate and have no interest in people, Gangi Kozo are playful, standard Kappa are like Hobbits in that they have their own little underwater towns and laws, and Suiko are like Kappa evil samurai who rob and murder because society says they are more a person than human or Kappa peasants. There’s others too.

As far as Fluffies go you have a lot of interaction options for every box.

…You knew i had to bring this up.

Lifeless eyes, like a dolls eyes, all black.

Thats up to you, feel free if you want to have a go at Gluestick.
I plan to remove bits and pieces from him and then glue replacements back on hence the name Gluestick
Currently he lost a leg in an altercation with some razorwire.
I was planning to replace his leg with something painfull before I got sidetracked with battle fluffies.

Most of my knowledge of Japanese folklore is understandably focused on the Kitsune side of things.
Having said that i hope Rambo encounters one of the more …friendlier Kappa’s

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Kitsune are more centralized across the nation because of their importance to Shinto and being associated with one of the most important gods. Same with things like Kirin. Celestial/heavenly/fire things tend to be. Shinto shrines may have a Tanuki statue, but aren’t as interested in cementing a canon for their scrotum and alcohol-based powers.

The more earthy and watery things are more localized, more folktale than faith. Anything associated with Buddhism also tends to be more universal since temples were more organized, better funded, and dogmatic.