that’s kinda gay
Well I am a little bit queer so that’s okay.
and how am I supposed to roast you now?
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No dont “dude” me this guy needs to shut the fuck up and read the fucking room
Bruh. You are taking this way too fucking serious. Go rub one out and calm the fuck down. And frankly fuck the room.
Well because I am Pan, you try slut shaming, but that is kind of low hanging fruit.
Jimmy, your making this an 11 when it’s really a 3, read the room.
Fuck you
I am not strong in numerology
Nu you
My point has been demolished, I now crown you king of arguments for your well thought out points and critiques.
One step closer to being the super omega king of ultimate trollge
Its funny that shitting in their intended place is such an accomplishment for a fluffy.