Rent-A-Fluffy #1 (Ace)

Hell, renting a fluffy in the first place seems pretty unnecessary when you can either go to a shelter or find a feral with foals.


‘Of the items, fluffies. Three at the moment though the stock was always refreshed and switched around. This was at a point in time where the biotoys were still relatively expensive and at the top of the list for every kid on Christmas.’


Or, shot in the dark, maybe the family could use financial assistance. The bulk of their trouble appears to come from being poor.


50% of the general population has a 2 digit IQ and low intelligence is the leading cause of poverty since dumb people can’t learn from their mistakes much like fluffies.

Stopping them from breeding is the best of about a dozen historically tested solutions.

These services tend to abuse the lack of object permanence in poor people. They have zero interest if you pay it off in time but the kind of people that are so poor they need to finance a pizza will often spend their paycheck on impulse purchases before settling up past debt.

that’s less bc they’re stupid and more bc they’ve given up. why work to settle your debts when you’ve grown to believe that debt is inevitable? might as well buy something dumb and temporary to make you momentarily happy.


I am completely sure that it was cheaper to rescue one from the street instead of renting it.

ohhh poor babys, both fluffys and the kid. oh i wish i could give them all a hug

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This was during the initial product rollout. There were none to rescue.


Lmao IQ is astrology for people who think they’re smarter than the Myers-Briggs people


It’s meant to be a standard benchmark of how effective you are at problem solving.

The only thing an IQ test accurately measures is how well you can take a test.


And a polygraph test is “meant” to measure truthfulness, but much like IQ it fails miserably at the task it’s intended for.

BMI too. It was made for measuring the average weight of populations, not individuals, by a guy who was emphatically not a doctor, and I saw someone say it would be more accurate if it was height cubed rather than squared but I don’t remember the details. I mean, yes, if you have a BMI of either 5 or 50 you’re probably in trouble but the closer-to-average ranks are pretty useless.


It turns out most of the “scientific” ways we have to measure individual people are bullshit. There’s averages for everything, but they aren’t exactly predictive and in many cases can be misleading.

Some of them work just fine on healthy white middle-to-upper-class cishet European/USAnian men because it didn’t occur to the creators that other people existed, but when you do remember that, yep.

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I took an IQ test once.

Instead of a number, my result was just a :joy: emoji.

I tell ya, I get no respect.

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Nah. That’s just to measure stress while you’re being interogated.

Have you tried living up to expectations?

Which it ALSO doesn’t do. It just measures, like, skin conductivity and blood pressure and shit. It’s basically an E-Meter.