Requiem For A Doctor Ch. 5.5 [By BFM101]

Well, that opens up a cool path for BFM to follow. Maybe he wasn’t aware of this “policeworking”. It would be cool to see the cop join forces with Louis or swoop in to aid them.


How does this not address that.


Well, he might still get some sixth sense/twinge of suspicion while writing the report. After all, he is new, lying on his early career reports might cause him to rethink the situation.

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“Wondew if Cwimson da sickies ow stiww daddeh’s head sickies?”

Actor Napoleon looked at Hallucination Napoleon, shrugging. "Nu knu. Dey onwy gib scwipt fow scene.

“Poopies. Pwobabwy no wan’ weaks on intewnet spoiwing t’ings.”

“No wike yu can do anyt’ing mowe wight now. Onwy can act in-de-pend-ant between scenes.”

“No nee’ get aww saddies yet,” started Actor Hippolyta.

“Stowy no am done.” finished Hallucination Hippolyta.

“Da stakes awe pwetteh high, but t’ink cawwing da cops make t’ings wowse.” Actor Napoleon lamented. “Iz anodda comp-wi-ca-shun.”

Hallucination Napoleon nodded. “An’ no am shuwe what Cwimson wepresents in daddeh mind.”

Actor Hippolyta paused. “Maybe sum queshuns daddeh tinkie pwace hab made tinkie pwace Napowean an’ Hippowita?”

“Mabbeh,” Hallucination Hippolyta replied. “Sum t’ings owt ob chawactew for weaw Cwimson fow say. Daddeh bwain maybe weject but stiww wan ask.”

The four sat together over a pizza, almost sighing collectively. Human minds were so amazing and fun to play in, but were more fragile than they were given credit for. Especially when sick.

“How many Napowean an’ Hippowita awe dewe, anyhoo?” the Hallucinations asked.

“Nu knu. As many as da stowy nee’.”

“Nee dis many? Tu an tu?”

"Fouw,"corrected the Hippolytas.

“Daddeh BFM hab stowy, daddeh Chikahiwo hab stowy. Stiww hab comic ones, den stowy ones.”

“Fouw an’ fouw?”

“Eight,” replied the Hippolytas. “An’ hab mowe dan one Cwimson fow same weasons.”

“Dis meta-fowth waww stuff confusing…” Napoleon whined, the narrator having lost track which one it was.

“Dats why hawd. Wotsa stuff happenin’.”

The four look at you, waving. “Be nice to daddeh @bfm101! Twyin’ hawdest!”




Yeah, it’s just a question they take too seriously. Nothing more, nothing less. Silly goose.

Different pages.


Napoleon poops on @A-S but its such a small poo nobody really notices


I think we can all benefit from looking at this whole situation from a new point of view.

That being that I’m a fucking eejit who dug himself into a narrative hole then kept digging trying to get out of it.

I knew I should’ve stuck to writing Westworld Fan-Fiction


You fiend!


Don’t you joke about that, you are one of the best writers here in my humble opinion.

I just like poking some fun by being a bit of a twit.

I don’t think anyone who enjoys your works will be distraught over these small oversights.


I’ve paid for worse stories.

You’re doing great, thank you very much for all the work. Especially given how ambitious the overall thing has been. There’s a lot of things in the past to reference, lots of moving parts within the story itself, you’re doing it alone, don’t have a creative team (editor, proof-readers, etc) backing you up, and you’re DOING FUUUKIN’ GREAT.

I enjoy reading your stuff about as much as I enjoy reading Stwumpo’s. Each new release is quite a treat. Thank you. Seriously, if you were here I’d buy you a lunch or at least a beverage of your choice.


“Dose was da sowwiest poopies ebah,” Hippolyta groaned.

“Huu huu huu…”


It would be a hilarious deux ex if somehow Josef got the green spray bottle in the face and is cured, remembering nothing.


Yeah I dont see that as a “mistake” at all. Cops take shortcuts allllllll the time.


Well turns out indeed callin the cops didn’t do well seems that one cop knows when to not involve with Josef :triumph:

The race for chilli shit will start soon :+1:

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Even his dad is gone already?

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Josef’s brother Jonathan killed their parents at the end of Hunting Wabbits, but since Fitzgerald Mongola was such an influential figure in the white supremacist culture, Josef can still throw his name around like it means something.

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I see no wonder basically use the cursed name what a sly foxy Josef is :thinking:

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Fantastic update! I’ll admit, my eyebrows hit my hairline when I saw Josef speaking German, but ended up cackling at “Stupid fucking skinheads”

I couldn’t help but notice, when he woke up and saw Crimson Vision he commented about still seeing him- basically acknowledging that he knows he’s infected, he knows it was his eye, and he knows he’s still infected despite gouging out his own eye (major props for that btw, I am a huge horror and gore fan and while eyes aren’t my big squick, I felt physically uncomfortable reading that, and I mean this as a compliment)

Is this something he is conscious of, or is it more background? And if its conscious of it, my money’s on the fact that he’s too damn proud to admit he needs help, much less seek it. Especially with how he has acted with Katherine, arguably the human he likes best in the world

So looking forward to the next chapter!


Both Josef and Jonathan speak near fluent German, mostly just to piss off their father who was heavy into Neo-Nazi-ism but couldn’t speak a word of German.

And you’re pretty much bang on the money in regards to Josef’s illness, he is fully aware that he’s only seeing things because of F.A.07, but he’s too much of a fucking narcissist to admit he’s been infected with a Fluffy virus. He thinks he can beat it because he’s Josef Fucking Mongola, and he won’t be taken down by Fluffy Flu.

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