Requiem For A Doctor Ch. 6 [By BFM101]

Josef’s still got plenty of the red bottle at home. This wasn’t his overall plan, just a reaction to his belief that he’s been fucked over.

The real plan is still in motion


I just want Spike to die, man. I don’t care what it takes, at this point.

Good chapter though.


Why tho. He didn’t do anything wrong. Except killing a pregnant mare, that was a bit hardcore, even if she was a bitch.


I don’t know, just something about his attitude. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s been running around unscathed for so long, including previous stories. The abuser parts of my brain are running wild, haha.


@BFM101 im sorry normally I have only praise for your character but man do Lewis and crew look like idiots now. I mean there Hugboxers so kicking Spicke away was no option but please there humans one sprint and grab that little fucker for goods sake please Lewis stop being so pathetic I mean you made a horrible work environment a nice one even if I think he treads the fluffys to good I give him that.

It was never the question if Josef would Kill someone, just when and he did it way smarter than I thought he would in his state of mind.


He lost his baby brothers on two separate occasions, he had to watch his family tortured and/or raped in front of him, survive in the wild, mercy kill his own father, mercy kill his own brother (and sister but that I already said I am no big fan of) so he wouldn’t become another Crimson and got his wing ripped out by said mercykill’d father.


Curb your Enthusiasm theme starts playing


Physically unscathed, then. Yeah, he’s sustained a lot of mental abuse, but it’s not as fun to observe mental on Spike because he’s pretty resilient against it. Even as a foal he’d been hell-bent on hurting Josef in retaliation.

It’s not like I don’t get what you’re saying, it’s just with a fluffy like Spike, it feels like he’s too badass, if that makes sense. Kind of like when a character has a backstory of having their family killed to make them seem cooler. And that just really irks me, hence my desire for him to sustain permanent physical harm, or death.

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I actually feel sorry for Josef, he has lived a fucked life and honestly it is hard to see where nurture ends and nature takes over.

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Again, not truly. He lost a wing, which for Alicorns and Pegasi are a pretty big deal. Add that he lost it when his own father ripped it off and it would be pretty unfair to say that he hasn’t suffered.

He suffered plenty through a short life, alongside his family. It’s not a “hero comes back to find his village destroyed” story. He was in the burning building.

It’s fine if you think he should die, as it would be cathartic and a heroic death for such a resolute fluffy would be fitting. But saying he hasn’t suffered enough for a lifetime feels wrong to me. Unless you regard psychological suffering as way less damaging than losing a limb. Which he did lose.

I don’t. He is the classic “I am smarter/stronger, I can do what I want” villain. True, he had a fooked up upbringing. But he had the chance to grow and distance himself from his family. He wasted it when he started playing god with fluffies, since he “couldn’t” do so with humans legally. But he did make fluffies suffer in front of people who cared about them (Carter). Even if you don’t care for an animal, if you are as smart as he claims to be, you should realize others might and stop yourself. He doesn’t.


Shit just got real. How are Lewis and co. gonna recover from this?


If Lewis was smart (and dishonest) he will play this off as “The month wasn’t up and we were just about to locate the siblings but because of this we wiped them out. They are gone because of your fuck up and good riddance.”

But let’s be honest, this is going to completely crush Lewis to the point he will struggle to continue…or make him snap, which would make things vastly more interesting.


I never said that I agreed with his actions, I just said I felt sorry for him. You can feel sorry for a monster and still not agree with their actions. And the thing to keep in mind is that he developed a god complex from being under his parent’s thumbs. People with the least amount of control will always seek it wherever they can find it. It really isn’t a coincidence that 2 of the worst dictators of the 20th century (Stalin and Hitler) grew up in really abusive households and lived very anti social lives prior to taking power. Like seriously Stalin as a child was beaten so badly that he was left unconscious for days and at other times so badly he would urinate blood.

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That’s fine and dandy. I still don’t feel bad for him. I might have if he had learned from his parent’s mistakes not to make them, as he suffered because of them. But then again if he had he wouldn’t be this Josef.

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I am not asking you to feel sorry for him. I am simply explaining my stance and providing my reasoning. Monsters are still monsters, but the path they took can be a sad one. It doesn’t justify their actions but it does help explain them.

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I think you should better talk to a wall than him to justify your care for a fictional Character because i think we have a Hugboxcrusader in the comments section.


Not gonna lie, I thought he was gonna dump the red bottles contents into the Hvac or whatever unit to do a full release throughout the facilities ventilation system. ~chuckle~

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Of course goody two shoes spike ruins the deal. Guys can’t even make a deal work. I’d like to see an end to this where Josef wins but it’s just not happening I feel.

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