Rules # 2 (by: FallenAngel)

can you don’t say ‘‘fuck’’ all the time or be tony montana

Hurt the shitty baby more. And fry the dad.

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Stop being so fucking sensitive


watch these

Mate I’ve seen Scarface, I know he says fuck a lot,

Why is that your only reference for swearing?


Yeah, this guy seems to take issue with the f-word. No idea why.

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Cant wait to see what happens to Papa and the cyan blue rat fuck.


Gonna be honest, I’m kind of sick of seeing this family dynamic repeated in every single fallenangel comic. It was funny the first 427 times, seeing the fat doomed little bastard gorge itself at the expense of its badly colored siblings while the parent/s applaud it; but it’s beyond predictable now. This character has become the Garfield of fluffies. Sorry, but I want to see new ideas and dynamics put in comic format beyond “Da Bestesh am actin wike a fat stoopid dummeh an ged a big huwties fow da justish bawks haw haw”.


to be honest bestest babbeh always coming back just like william afton from fnaf

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I was thinking Kenny McCormick, honestly.

They’re both blond…

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Oh no… HE’S BACK!! NOOOO!!
Just hope the alicorn doesn’t dies :c


Great work as always.

I’m intrigued to where this is going.

I do love your strangle little worlds.


ngl ı dont know who is Kenny McCormick but anyway he is always coming back and dying lol

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Unanswered question is why our forever bestest brat is ‘bestest’ here when the smarty and his mate already have two well behaved dopplegangers to dote on. Is it the mane? Is Bestest forever convinced now of his status? Why does he keep getting alicorn siblings to steal from? And will Bestest even make it to midnight at this rate?

Okay so that’s actually a LOT of questions.

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my hugbox self is turning abuse with that little fucker…

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The little bab ain’t even puke coloured, they’re a delightful deep forest green. Odds are still stacked against them though since fluffies don’t like dark colours, AND they’re an alicorn.

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Thank you :blush:

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Its a running joke ever since I introduced him, its basically his bright colors and the father or mother will give him the bestes rank.

The alicorn is another one of his karma if he ever pass being good with his siblings sadly that seems gonna take a llllonnnng time.

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I think it was Kenny from South Park, he usually dies every episode and comes back the next episode as if nothing happens.

Watch the dumpster bin green one die to add fuel to our hatred for the “smarty”

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