Rules and Headcanon By Z05

There are no rules to fluffy literature outside of the vocabulary and shit.

Do as thou wilt.


I don’t know if there’s a written list of rules anywhere in the fandom, current or historical.

But we are one of those communities that comes up with “rules” and then applies them as we see fit, per the individual.

Don’t worry about others imposing on your stories and your headcannon. On the internet, the only way to beat a troll is to starve it.


Yo, there’s nothing like “Fandom Rules” besides the obvious for community coexistence.
That guy made up that lmao

It’s just like If I say: “Uhh rule #662, every foal in a fluffy comic must become a enfie babbeh”

Así que no te agobies porque la gente no piense exactamente como tu quieres que piensen, así es la cosa, siempre hay opiniones polarizadas, aquí y en todos lados


Gracias por la respuesta, entonces solo era un niño que se paso de edgy


If it’s the person I’m thinking, I’d echo what others are saying and say ignore them. I’m not one for hugbox stuff, but I’m not going to demand abuse stuff for the sake of my own enjoyment. Draw what you want, enjoy what you like to do, mate.


Read the Rosemary story. Beautiful ending. Very real, very balanced, just a great story

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If it did exist it was a holdover from the booru days. Doesn’t mean don’t make hugbox just means don’t throw a shitfit if people put your darling angel into an iron maiden or something. Anymore such cross artist work is gently frowned upon so its even less meaningful than it was then.

The only rules that matter are your rules. I write my own and its worked for me

No such thing, and it’s people trying to enforce their own preferences on you through some made up rule.

If it’s some community or group elsewhere it might be a local thing, but it is very much NOT here or to the fandom as a whole.

You do you, and they can get fucked.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: the great thing about FluffyCommunity is that you can build your headcanon your way. Hugbox, abuse, weirdbox, sadbox, it’s all part of the greater whole.

And yeah, that means that no matter what you do, there’s gonna be people who don’t like your content. But there’s also gonna be people who do like it, if you’re lucky. So, while it’s never a bad idea to listen to constructive criticism, you should keep in mind that you can’t please everyone.

It is a bad idea to try to please people who don’t like you at the expense of people who do like you. What kind of person would do that?

I mean, if some people had gotten their way, I’d have thrown out everything I’ve ever created here, I’d have quit writing and left FC forever, and I’d have possibly also performed yubitsume, or even seppuku. And they probably still wouldn’t be satisfied!

So my advice is to focus on the people who enjoy what you create, and if others don’t enjoy it… well, again, you can’t please everyone.


there is no Real rule or absolute Canon for FLuffy, and that why everything is Headcannon there are commonly agreed Headcannon stuffy among the fandom like Fluffy talking in babylike language or their origin coming from being made by Hasbio for example
but you don’t have to accept other people’s veiw how fluffy work or behave in your world.
you make it where your fluffy can fly, or they live for 30 years or maybe 10 or 5 years. you can make where all your fluffy will have happy lifes or my Headcanon they will die and suffer in hell.
It’s your story, you make up the lore, you make up the rules, no can say otherwise, they can disagree and give cristisim and it up to you if you want listen and consider there their input

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The extreme ends of the spectrum can’t stand each other, or anyone else, having fun in ways they don’t approve of. The other possibilities are that it’s someone who thinks he’s found “the one true way” or a n00b who needs to lurk more.

If I’ve read my history right, I think the Booru had more instances of creators taking other people’s O.C. and either continuing or, in some cases, ending their stories.

Either way it’s a relic of a bygone era and not part of F.C., we do still encourage collaborations and if two creators agree then one can continue another’s works, but only if both parties agree.


Hugbox is called hugbox for a reason this is probably some edgelord who doesn’t like others having fun. A couple of stories of mine are hugbox so don’t worry about it, do what you want!

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Don’t let other people dictate what you want to draw. Draw whatever kind of genre you want to!


The only rules that matter are the site rules. That aside, “don’t be a dick” is a good guideline. That goes for people who create and I feel moreso to the folks who only consume content.

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Unfortunately, for some people, not being a dick is harder than painting the Sistine Chapel with a broken toothbrush.

And people like that thrive on the internet like bacteria in a damp washcloth.

How dare you compare them to the noble bacteria and mold on my wash cloth!


Considering 90% of this community relays on headcannons there woudnt be much sense in a ruleset outside of obvious community tos guidelines etc etc

You do what you like, its your content :heart_eyes:

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You of all people WOULD make that rule.

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