Scarecrows (Reddith83r)

Here’s another old story that I’m able to post while I’m not on mobile:

Scarecrows, part one

Scarecrows, part two

Scarecrows, part three

If any one of you is still on Reddit, give my regards to Stwumpo. I miss reading his stories.




I’ve written a few actual neutral box stories, which can be found on Reddit. Most of these stories will not be posted here, but you can easily find them from the few highlight and archive posts I’ve made.

Awwwww, I miss you too H8r. :relieved:

Are you really Stwumpo bruv

Shhhh don’t tell nobody my secret

My next story will star a grey unicorn named Doofus who annihilates a feral family through sheer blind incompetence.

I can’t tell if you’re fucking around or not but shiiii I want to believe


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Man, do I have stuff for you to read when you have the time.

Oh H83R, don’t you see? Where there was only one set of footprints, it was when I carried you to keep reading all your shit.

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But my friend we do not have feet on the internet

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Google the name of literally any female celebrity and you’ll see that’s not true

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:expressionless: fair point