Silent hill impale. (AMDk7)

Oh yeah, it’s shattered memories.

But what makes that one good is that it has a perfectly logical explanation for its game play mechanics and its reboot\remake status.

It’s Heather working through her trauma of Silent Hill 1 and 3.
And as she was a child in 1, she was utterly helpless and could only run away.
The player is playing through her memories and experience of Silent Hill 1 so you can only hide and run away.

Konami the fuck happend to you ?
You used to be brilliant.

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Suckin they’s own pachinko dick

Yeah, it seems they are finally coming up from that though.
If what I heard is true.

What have you heard, friend

They might be ressurecting Silent Hill.
It might even be PT, but Konami might be entering the video gaming arena again.
How true all that is is up in the air.

The Blue Point leaks.


And that one too.
The one I heard was specifically Silent Hill related though.
But it’s been a while since i heard that one.

And a movie trailer

So here is hoping Konami unfucks themselves.

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Can only wait and see, unlike this fluffy’s brown eye

I’m sure this fluffy will survive.
after all why waste good fluffy suffering ?

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This kills the butthole.



…I should bloody well hope so really.



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