Skinned (Moesius)

I like this shit more than 'em gore websites.

That fluffy’s what we call “distressed.” One slice of the throat and you have some savory meat.

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… what sites ?

no … none of our fluffy is distressed :v you can’t proove that :v … but it’s true they taste wonderfuly good :smiley: (for fluffies)

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Gore websites; real human vs human (or Animal) violence. Vivisections, burning or even footage from warzones. Quite sick shit, such shocksites.
I visited (Censored website) (is a wildlife site now), but i deemed that site a little to much disturbing before it got taken offline.

Instead of real violence, i enjoy ficticious violence now.


that’s quite disturbing :v but I’ll throw an eye for general culture (it seems I lak of it)

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“…throw an eye…”? Does that mean you gonna look? (English ain’t my native langauge…)


yeah :smiley: (and it’s not mine either ^^’ but I think this expression is ok in english too :v, not sure though)


I never…we’ll never stop learning.

(Censored website) switched to (Other censored website) , just saw a decapitation, again.
Beware of the fact them are shocksites, even when medicated, visits to such sites made me feel down, sometimes.

Edit: When surviving visiting 'em websites, i bet you gonna use inspiration from it.
As i sed before; i like cartoon violence now, so you got my follow.


well, what’s the thing of putting anime girls between raw images :thinking:

edit : you should maybe censure the name of the site just in case it disturbs the mods of the site
edit (bis) : thanks xD


What’s the thing of putting anime girls between raw images? I’m vaguely aware of Anime girls…but Raw…a restaurant that showed up on a google search?

'em websites ARE disturbing, so i toke a hint.


xD by raw I meant “not smooth” images

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Oh, lemme gues somekinda other subculture on tha web, ain’t it?
Would’nt surprise me if some people make photo’s of 'em self with a character.
I even heard one fellow maried such a ficticious character… XD


yeah, it’s maybe a weird trend xD